Ms. López March 5th, 2012
What are Nouns? A noun is a person, place or thing. Since 1. A noun is a part of speech. 2. Subjects and objects are parts of a sentence. 3. Nouns function as subjects or objects. Therefore: Nouns = subjects or objects
How do you find the subject of a sentence? To find the subject you ask, Who (m) or What before the main verb of the sentence The Burrito gave me heartburn. What Gave me heartburn? Burrito, is a noun, and it is the subject of the sentence.
How do you find the object of a sentence? To find the Object you ask, What after the main verb of the sentence. The Burrito gave me heartburn. The Burrito gave me What? heartburn, is a noun, and it is the object of the sentence.
Then what are noun clauses? A noun clause is an entire clause which takes the place of a noun in another clause or phrase. What I had for breakfast gave me heartburn. What Gave me heartburn? What I had for breakfast
How do you identify a noun clause? Many noun clauses are indirect questions ( do not require an answer from the reader). and are introduced by words like: (Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That, if, Whether, What, When, Where, How, Why, And various forms of "-ever": Whoever, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever) These words may or may not be present in the sentence, but they could be implied.
Noun clauses functions Like a noun, a noun clause acts as the subject or object of a verb or the object of a preposition, answering the questions "who(m)?" or "what?".
Noun clause as a subject of the verb Example: Whoever broke the vase will have to pay for it. Verb: Will have to pay Question: Who will have to pay for it? Whoever broke the vase
Noun Clause as an object of the verb Example: The Toronto fans hope that the Blue Jays will win again. Verb: hope Question: The Toronto fans hope What? that the Blue Jays will win again
Example: You can get by on what you learn in the class. Verb: can get by Preposition: on Question: on What? what you learn in the class Noun Clause as an object of a preposition
Let´s learn about a few more cases. Identify the noun clause and its function 1. What the English teacher said was downright inspiring. 2. The wonderful thing about English teachers is that they all get along so well. 3. I must decide which English course to take. 4. English teachers dispense wisdom to whoever will listen. 5. Don't all students wish they knew more grammar? 6. The students don't know whether or not they can stay awake during the lecture. 7. Although I respected what the teacher said, I disagreed with his conclusion. 8. Anyone who says that English teachers are boring will be punished.
Classwork/Homework Exercise 36, Page 333 Exercise 37, Page 334