CHILD FOCUS Belgian Safer Internet Centre How to raise awareness among children, young people and their educators? Example of practice Nadège BASTIENEN Project manager e-safety Media learning 2013 Brussels
Foundation for missing and sexually exploited children Strong link with online technologies Belgian Safer Internet Centre
Child Focus = all in one organisation Lobbying and public affairs Centre of expertise + trainings Advisory board + collaboration with other stakeholders Belgian Safer Internet Centre
Our vision = be positive !
Big change…and nothing has changed!
Background information WHERE DO WE COME FROM S IK Protection against the 3 C = harmful content / contact / conduct Restriction Security Young people = extra vulnerable Dangers SOME FACTS Need of active guidance in they online experience * Time investment from educators Technical solutions will never enable them to cope with the risks Digital literacy skills form the basis for responsible use * Even digital literate, one day they will take risks in a willing-based way… -> WHERE ARE WE GOING TO B IK Education & empowerment Confidence & trust Dialogue & communication Young people = actors and creative online + resilient Opportunities vs Risks * source: EU Kids online (S. Livingstone, 2011)
Situation in Belgium According to EU Kids online : 5 types of mediation 1) Technical mediation 2) Monitoring 3) Restrictive mediation 4) Active mediation of Internet safety 5) Active mediation of Internet use -> Recommended -> Belgium = 3
-> Real risk is for us… – A communication divide in the family / in the class – No confidence – No positive atmosphere -> Real challenge is for us… – To create a positive atmosphere on the long run – Building trust : parents have to become trustworthy persons for online issues… – To stimulate children to TELL someone: what ?/ how? / to whom? – Building bridges between generations about internet uses -> Real target group is for us… – Pre-schoolers/children/young people and their carers
-> Real message is for us… …towards children and young people TELL SOMEONE !! Think before you post !! Do not be naïve, be critical! Once online…maybe forever Values / Perception Empathy / Resilience …and be creative online + technical advices : privacy/security settings, password, screen shots…
-> Real message is for us… …towards parents (and carers) Have fun together in order to establish a positive climate for dialogue and trust “Interact with your child online!” Show interest! Pay attention to what they do online. Be there for them and listen to the stories they tell you. Observe the way your children react in case of problem online. In any case internet can not become a taboo Start early
Online media education house questions doubts problems jokes DIALOGUE TRUST Start early = foundation videos Technology Privacy settings INTEREST fun games info something wreid
Example of practices: our resources
Challenges Adapted tools -> youth consultation via focus groups + Practical surveys before conception of awareness raising tools Efficient dissemination of AN tools How to address non-mainstream target groups of our society e.g. vulnerable groups, children with special needs… Industries at national level -> CSR policy? 2 languages communities -> challenging collaboration Financial sustainability (especially with new CEF) Impact assessment regarding AN actions
More… State of the art of European resources -> Our e-safety portal for youngsters and their parents (+carers) THANK YOU