JokerStars: Online Poker William Sanville CSE 4904 Milestone II
Background Popular Systems PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker “Virtual Casino” Players connect from all over the world Support multiple games concurrently Variety of card games at different stakes Tournaments, cash games Popular Card Games Hold 'em, Omaha
Motivation Not only an interest in playing cards Online Poker System Requires: Desktop Development Network Programming Multi Threading Security
Project Description Simulate a card game over the Internet Allow players to communicate View and handle the cards Make decisions Place bets, fold, etc. Support for multiple games Project should be flexible to support any card game Game should run by a modular, interchangeable rule engine
User Requirements Internet Connection Preferably high speed .NET Framework Supported Operating Systems: Windows 98 or higher Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X
Development Environment Application will be written in C# Visual Studio 2008 Code will be documented using XML Comments Code should pass FxCop code analysis Static code analysis to ensure proper practices, naming conventions Server module will be deployed on a Windows Server 2008 machine
High Level Modules Server Module Client Module Networking User Interface Game Engine Game Entities
High Level Modules Cont. Server Module Deployed on a dedicated machine Continuously listen for connections TCP/IP Send and receive data to and from clients Solicit actions from players Broadcast player actions to other players
High Level Modules Cont. Client Module Deployed on the end user's machine Connect to game server Pass and receive messages to and from game server
High Level Modules Cont. Networking Module Basic functionality and classes used by both Client and Server modules Packets, Serialization
High Level Modules Cont. User Interface Bridge between the end user and Client module Receive input from user Display the users currently playing the game Display cards, chips, and other game elements
High Level Modules Cont. Game Engine Defines the rules of the game Handle the flow and runtime of the game Determine which player needs to act Determine what actions are valid for each player Evaluate winning hands
High Level Modules Cont. Game Entities Class definitions for various elements of the game Cards Chips Deck Player Dealer
Priority Problem: One team member One semester Unrealistic to deliver a fully featured online card system Solution: Cut scope Prioritize Ensure that the project is a success
Priority Continued Main Focus: Networking Client and Server modules will be the highest priority Manage multiple connections Develop a working message passing system Second Focus: Game Entities & Engine Automate the runtime of the game Third Focus: User Interface A basic interface will need to be developed in order to test the game engine and entities
Concepts User Interface Concept Nothing fancy, just buttons and pictures
End Result Single table of No Limit Texas Hold 'em 1 to 9 players Automated game flow Game Engine determines whose turn it is and asks them for their action If time is running short, this will be substituted with a “human dealer” to perform the duties of the game engine Server Module will have a debugging control panel Support for future enhancements Keep it clean, modular, easy to upgrade
Future Enhancements Security Data will need to be encrypted Out of scope for this semester Integrity of messages must be preserved Man in the middle attacks Identity spoofing Scalability Support for multiple, concurrent tables Greater number of users
Other Enhancements Randomness “Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann Project will be using standard math libraries, pseudo random numbers Commercial systems use more sophisticated methods Mouse movement of users Temperature readings