Storage & distribution Challenges of Malaria drugs Presentation by Rémy Prohom RBM Partnership Secretariat, Malaria Medicines & Supplies Services Copenhagen – 1 February c
ACT's trend for malaria drugs Constraints : Cost Delivery time Volume Short shelf life
6 KEYS FOR A SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION Planification Plan at least 6 months prior to delivery Get your order evaluated in terms of volume Get a clear picture of the system in place (procurement, storage & distribution) Check the in country warehousing capacity Check the distribution system and see if adapted to the ACT's (push/pull other) Check the transportation capacity
Stock Management and Monitoring ACT's short shelf life induces: A strict and efficient stock management at all levels (National, Regional, District, Health facilities) Monitoring the expiry dates and report to upper level
How to contact us… Malaria Medicines & Supply Services (MMSS) Roll Back Malaria Partnership Secretariat Website: Mr Remy Prohom Technical Officer ACTs related issues Tel: +41 (0)