Dr. Satyajeet Nanda, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gujarat Institute of Development Research Gota, Ahmedabad , Gujarat, India. Determinants of Motherhood in Teenagers and Fate of their Pregnancy Outcome: Evidence from National Family Health Survey, India Dr. Satyajeet Nanda, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gujarat Institute of Development Research Gota, Ahmedabad , Gujarat, India.
Figure 1 An Operational Framework of Teenage Motherhood and its Consequences (* indicates the variables not analyzed in the present study). I. Fixed Social II. Premarital III. Post-marital IV. Reproduction V. Reproduction factors pre-reproduction factors outcomes Caste Religion Residence before marriage Age at marriage Economic condition after marriage Work participation after marriage Residence after marriage Household environment Parity Antenatal care Delivery complication Pre-term birth *Lactation Age at motherhood Pregnancy wastage Education *Economic condition before marriage *Work participatio n before marriage Age at menarche Child Health Child survival