Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi was educated in the United Kingdom and received a law degree from University College in London. After he was admitted to the British bar, he practiced law in Bombay (now Mumbai), India, and later in Durban, South Africa. While in South Africa, he was treated as a member of an inferior race, which spurred him into his lifelong quest to achieve civil rights for all races.
Lesson 77 Gandhi :His life
Born: Married: Studied: Lived in South Africa: Started a magazine: Fought for Indian independence : Indian gained independence: Died: 1869,India At the age of 13 England,3 years, lawyer 20 years Indian Opinion 32 years ( ) Note making Aug15,1947 Jan 30,1948
1. Gandhi worked for equal rights of Indians___ A. in both India and South Africa B. in South Africa C. in India,but not in South Africa D. only in India 2. Gandhi’s life was greatly influenced by______. A. his early unhappy marriage B. three years’ study in England C. working on a law case in South Africa D. starting a magazine called “Indian Opinion”
3.The following facts except _____can prove Indians were badly treated in the 19th century. A. very few of Indians had the right to vote B. Indians had to follow the custom to get married at an early age C. Indians were not allowed to travel in the whites-only section D. All the Indians over the age of 8 had to carry their permits at all times
4.Gandhi was a special kind of leader because he ___ A. had his own ways of expressing political views B. led his people in making and selling salt C. organized marches D. encouraged Indians to make their own cotton cloth 5. Gandhi won his first struggle against racial discrimination by ____. A. writing about socialism in newspaper B. leading non-violent political movement C. speaking publicly about the bad situation in South Africa D. encouraging Indians to burn their permits in the public
6. Which of the following cannot be said to be Gandhi’s success ?______ A. He won independence for India. B. He won victory over the “Pass Law” in South Africa. C. He set up a good example by insisting on travelling in the whites-only section. D. He won victory over the law that did not allow Indians to make salt. 7. Gandhi was about ____years old when India won her independence from the British rule. A. 60 B. 65 C. 80 D. 78
8. From which fact can we see Gandhi was deeply loved and respected by his people ?______ A. He became a lawyer at an early age. B. He played an important role in the fight for human rights. C. He was the key figure in the Indians’ struggle for independence. D. He was called the father of the Indian nation of the 20th century.
Language points: 1. independence 2. It was clear that….. 3. govern vt. 4. marry 5.The teacher entered the room, _______ by the students. ________ the teacher, the students entered the room. independent/depend on Sb make it clear that….. governor / government 1). Are you married or single? 2). Yes. I married sb last year. 3). So I have been married for one year. followed Following
6. on doing = I heard the news __________________________. __________________, he called up Mr Jackson. 7. have the chance to do sth 8. work on 1) 2) 9. have the right to do 10.insist on doing 11.He formed an organization leading the Indians……. an important role/ part 13. in public= 14.The weekend party is__________________________. The playroom is ______________________________. as soon as on my arrival at the airport On reaching the city 从事 … 继续工作 insist that… He insisted that he should +v He insisted that he was right. publicly designed to make life happy designed for the children’s use
15. as a result of 16.give in to sb. 17. demand an end to sth eg. 林肯要求结束奴隶制度。 18.have a gift of thinking up ways of doing Eg. 他想出了有趣的游戏供孩子玩。 19. with / for the purpose of 20. following 介词 “ 在 …… 之后 ” “ 经过 ” Eg. 大雨之后,江水泛滥。 地震之后,这座城市变成了一个黑暗世界。 Lincoln demanded an end to the slavery. She thought up a funny game for the children to play