ENG3190 Logic Synthesis General Information Handout Winter 2014, January 7 th
2 Shawki Areibi Research Interests VLSI Physical Design Automation (CAD Tools) Reconfigurable Computing Systems Embedded Systems PhD, Waterloo 1995 Office, , Phone Office: 2335, EXT Web: Office Hours: M/F 2:00-3:00 PM ENG3190 Winter 2014
3 Outline Info about Staff (TAs, LabTech) Lecture and Lab Schedule. Course Text and References. Course contents, Tentative Schedule. Assignments, Labs, Exams. Evaluation Important Information ENG3190 Winter 2014
4 Joel Best B.Sc.., M.Sc. University of Guelph Office: Rich 3501, ext System Admin ENG3190 Winter 2014
5 Teaching Assistants Dennis Wong, M.Sc. Student Research: VLSI Design Room THORN xxx, ext. xxx ENG3190 Winter 2014
6 Lecture & Lab Schedule Lectures 1. 10:00–11:20, (TUE, THUR) 2. MACK 314 RICH 2531 Tutorials/LABS 1. RICH ENG3190 Winter 2014
7 Text Book and References Text Book: “Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms”, by G. Hachtel, Springer References 1. “Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits”, by G. De Micheli, McGraw-Hill “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation”, by S. Gerez, Wiley ENG3190 Winter 2014
8 Resources & Communication Communications 1. , listserv 2. Eng3190 Web Page (Announcement) ENG3190 Winter 2014
9 Course Objectives This is an introductory course in Logic Synthesis for Computer Engineers. Achieves the following goals: 1. Teaches you the fundamental concepts of logic synthesis. 2. Teaches you the way in which Electronic Design Automation Systems are designed today. 3. Teaches you the difference between front end tools and back end tools for Electronic Design Automation. ENG3190 Winter 2014
10 Tentative Schedule 1. Week #1, Overview of Synthesis and EDA 2. Week #2, #3, Computational Boolean Algebra 3. Week #4, BDDs, AIGs, SAT (data structures) 4. Week #5, Two Level Logic Synthesis 5. Week #6, #7, Multi Level Logic Synthesis 6. Week #8, Sequential Logic Synthesis 7. Week #9, Technology Mapping 8. Week #10, High Level Synthesis 9. Week #11, #12 Physical Design Automation ENG3190 Winter 2014
11 Assignments 1. Assignment#1, Computational Boolean Algebra 2. Assignment#2, Two Level Logic Optimization 3. Assignment#3, Multi Level Logic Optimization 4. Assignment#4, Sequential Logic Optimization ENG3190 Winter 2014
12 LABS Labs are an integral part of the course. The objectives of the labs are: 1. Understand and assimilate lecture material 2. Give practical experience using off the shelve tools such as ESPRESSO, SIS, ABC 3. Program in high level language (C or C++) some algorithms ENG3190 Winter 2014
13 Labs: Reports, Preparation.. 1. Lab#0, Week#1, Introduction to Unix System. 2. Lab#1, Week#2-3, Q-M Method. 3. Lab#2, Week#4-5, CUDD Package (BDDs) 4. Lab#3, Week#6-7, ESPRESSO for Logic Synthesis 5. Lab#4, Week#8-9, SIS Tool for Logic Synthesis 6. Lab#5, Week#10-11, ABC Tool for Synthesis. ENG3190 Winter 2014
14 Exam Schedule 1. Midterm Week#7, Tuesday Feb 25th (material Week 1-6). 2. Final Exam Week#13, April 9th, Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM ENG3190 Winter 2014
15 Evaluation TopicWeightDetails Assignments20%4-5 Assignments Labs20%4 Labs Midterm20%Week 7 Final Exam40%Week 13 ENG3190 Winter 2014
16 Important Issues It is important to remember that the midterm and final exam will be based on the assignment problems, so it is in your best interest to seriously attempt all questions alone. In order to pass the course, you must pass both the lab and exam course portion. Students must obtain a grade of 50% or higher on the exam portion of the course. If a laboratory is missed due to illness or other reason, arrangements must be made with the teaching assistant to complete a make-up lab. ENG3190 Winter 2014
17 Academic Misconduct Please refer to the regulation outlined in the student handbook regarding academic misconduct. The policy for this course is zero tolerance for any form of plagiarism and academic misconduct. All cases will be dealt by the Dean of the College. ENG3190 Winter 2014
18 Simple Advice Attend all Lectures! Attempt all assignments Make use of your Teaching Assistant Prepare for the Labs prior to lab session Study in groups (don ’ t rely on others!) Identify your strengths and weaknesses Manage your time!!!!!!!!!! ENG3190 Winter 2014
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