Hinduism Josh STUDENT & Bobby STUDENT
Number of Adherents 837,000,000 followers (13% of the world’s population) 22.8% growth from 1988 – % growth from 1991 – ,578,868 Hindus in India (82% of population) Hinduism was developed around India
Hindu Gods Brahma Shiva Vishnu Devi Devi Ganesa Numerous other deities
Holy Works Vedas Agamas Puranas
Castes Brahmin – the priests, academics Kshatriya – rulers, military Vaishya – farmers, landlords, and merchants Sudra – peasants, servants, and workers in non-polluting jobs
Communion With Gods Meditation Asceticism Puja
Holy Days Maha Shivaratri – festival dedicated to Shiva (mid February) Holi – carnival like celebration featuring bright colors, bonfires, and pilgrimages dedicated to Krishna or Kama (early March) Ramnavami – anniversary of the birth of Rama (late March) Dusserah – festival celebrating the triumph of Good over Evil (early November) Diwali – festival of lights dedicated to Lakshmi (mid November)
Birth Rites Samskaras 1-9 Garbhadan - conception Pumsavan – ceremony performed when pregnancy first apparent Seemantonayan – parting the mother’s hair to special music Jatakarma – child given secret name, taste of honey & ghee, and breast feeding begins after reciting mantras Nama-karana – child given formal name; performed on 11 th day Nishkramana – first time outside Annaprashana – first meal of solid food Chudakarana – first hair cut Karna-vedha – piercing of the ears; 7 th or 8 th month
Rites of Passage Upanayan & Vedarambha – thread ceremony; child is authorized to perform all rituals and studies of the Vedas begin with the Guru
Marriage Ceremony Pre-Marriage A day before the wedding the palm and feet of the bride are decorated with Mehndi. A canopy decorated with flowers is built at the place of the wedding. On the wedding morning, various rituals are performed on both the bride and groom. They are anointed with various oils and then bathed to the chanting of Vedic mantras.
Marriage Ceremony Wedding Day Baarat Commencement of Marriage Kanya Danam Vivaaha (Wedding) Paanigrahana Laya Homa Agni Parinaya Asmarohana Saptapadi Hradayasparsha Mangal Sutra Dharana Suhaaq Aashirvaad
Marriage Ceremony Post-Wedding Grahapravesha Talambra Arundhati Darshanam Dhruva Darshan
Death Rituals Ceremonial Cleansing Chanting Cremation Ash Collection Post-Death Ceremonies
Women in Clergy Women are now allowed in the clergy. This is a new concept. Women are in demand and preferred in some cases.
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