Women Are More Vulnerable to HIV
Why Are Women Vulnerable? Cultural and societal factors Gender inequities Limited opportunities Economic dependence on men Imbalance in sexual relationships Possible biological factors Large vaginal surface allows more exposure Cervical ectopy may facilitate acquisition Source: UNAIDS, 2006; Moss, 1991.
Married Women and HIV Risk More than 80% of new HIV infections in women occur in marriage or long-term relationships with primary partners. In sub-Saharan Africa, ~60% to 80% of women with HIV have been infected by their husbands – their sole partner. At least 50% of Senegalese women with HIV reported only one risk factor – living in a “monogamous” union. In India, 90% of women with HIV said they were virgins at marriage and had remained faithful. Studies show that married women would often rather risk HIV infection than ask their husbands to use a condom. Source: UNFPA, 2005.