Personal Growth (PCO 2714) Terrence Porter, MS Spring, 2003
Personal Growth Website
Introduction I(a). Purpose of the Course A. Increase Your Personal Functioning B. Increase Your Functioning with Others C. Apply Course Content to Your Life “Common Sense is not Common Practice!!!”
Introduction I(b). Introduction to Terrence Porter, MS A. Notre Dame, Miami (OH), UF B. Passions: Sport Psych., Empowering Children, Helping Indiv. Make the most of their lives. C. Consultant D. Research Specialization: Building Confidence in Athletes Coping with Stress/Anxiety & Perfectionism in Sport, Business, and Life
Introduction II. Sources of Course Content –Lectures, Group Discussion, Presentations, Workshops B. Textbook C. Binder and Appointment Book
Introduction III. Structure of the Course A. 1st Section: Identity B. 2nd Section: Human Communication C. 3rd Section: Growth Dynamics D. 4th Section: Human Relationships E. 5th Section:Emotions and Feelings F. 6th Section: A Quality Life
Introduction IV. Grading A. Three Non-cumulative, Multiple Choice Exams (50%) Questions Each B. Applied Activity (Journal, Volunteer) (25%) C. Personal Life Plan (20%), In-class Participation (5%) D. Occasional Extra Credit If You Attend Class E. A=90-100%, B+=87-89%, B=80-86%, C+=77-79%, C=70-76%, D+=67-69%, D=60-66%, E<60%
Introduction V. Top 10 Ways to Perform Poorly in Personal Growth 10. Skip Class 9. Do the Reading Late and Quickly 8. Rely on the Notes of Others 7. Sit in the Back and Socialize During Class 6. Ignore the Syllabus
Introduction V. Top 10 Ways to Perform Poorly in Personal Growth 5. Rely on the Curve 4. Cram for Exams with an All Nighter 3. Miss the Test and Take the Make-up 2. Figure Tests will be Easy Because Teacher Seems Easygoing 1. Blow Off the Class Because Psychology “is Just Common Sense, Anyway.”
Introduction VI. Cheating in College A. UF Student Honor Code: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment.” B. UF Mandates Reporting of Cheating to Provost C. Cheating Policy: Don’t Cheat D. We Look for Cheating In Exams and Catch People
Introduction VII. Getting to know each other –Filling out index cards and introductions VIII. Read the syllabus, do the reading, pick up binder and appointment book IX. Adding students to class