By Danielle Enloe
What is Child Marriage? When a young girl is forced to marry an older men This Indian girls around the age of 13 44.5% marred by 18 years old 22.6% marred by 16 years old 2.6% marred by 13 years old
The Incident and Who it Involved What India did after a young women was forced to marry and said I won’t. Rekha Kalinda The county of India
What Lead up to the Incident? Common practice that nearly half of all Indian females got married before turning the legal age of 18
What Were the Results? No child marriages have taken place in the surrounding villages where two other girls refused to marry Similar approaches are meeting success in other regions
Why was this topic interesting? Most of the stories where incidences where girls went with the marriages This one was about a girl who said no to the man and her family stopped child marriages in India