MedImmune: FluMist Team #1: Mike Alcantara William Buckley Michelle Dennis Max Weiss
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 12 Agenda Recommend: Brand Positioning Pricing Strategy Launch Strategy Advertising Samples
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 13 Positioning Recommendation Pros Emphasizes driver benefits Differentiates from competition Shows product is unique Targets FDC permitted market Reaches personal values of a full life Communicates easily Cons Not focused For healthy people aged 5 – 49 who value health, don’t like shots, and want to live life to the fullest, FluMist is an easy and painless way to prevent the flu this winter because we eliminated the needle and developed a nasal-spray vaccine that’s 90% effective. Get mistified.
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 14 Positioning Rationale Target market Healthy 5 – 49 yrs FDA only approved this range 10% currently receive flu shots So competition is Flu shot or No shot Efficacy Speculation: live viruses more effective At least that of other flu vaccine
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 15 Positioning Rationale Relevance / Importance High “Antes” Important benefits, but provided by all leading competitors “Drivers” Benefits both important and differentiated from competitors Low “Neutrals” Irrelevant benefits “Fool’s Gold” Features distinctive to brand, but do not drive consumer preference LowHigh Determinance Prevents flu Painless delivery Nasal spray Convenient Live virus Innovative PPE not required
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 16 Positioning #1 Pros Emphasizes painless delivery Differentiates from competition Shows product is unique Cons Only targets ages 5 – 18 Doesn’t reach personal values Efficacy not resonating For children who hate getting sick or getting shots, FluMist is an easy and painless way to prevent the flu this winter because we eliminated the needle and developed a nasal-spray vaccine that’s proven to be effective.
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 17 Positioning #2 Pros Emphasizes illness avoidance Differentiates from competition Shows product is unique Reaches personal values of power and control Cons Targets only portion of total market, predominantly middle- aged men Efficacy not mentioned For working professionals with no time to be sick, FluMist is a fast way to put the flu out of business because our new intranasal vaccine is the modern, powerful replacement for the flu shot.
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 18 Positioning #3 Pros Targets total marketable range Lists driver product benefits Cons Doesn’t reach personal values Doesn’t cut through “wall of indifference” For healthy people ages 5-49 who don’t have time or enjoy being sick, FluMist is innovative, effective, and convenient because it’s fast, painless, and can be administered wherever you are.
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 19 Pricing Strategy
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 110 Launch Strategy Health-care professionals Engage consultant sales force for face-face contact Provide incentives to physicians to use product on trial basis Major corporations Provide quantity discounts to major corporations that provide flu shots to employees General advertising Market via magazine ads to target segments Get brand recognition
9/9/06 FluMist OEM Team 111 Advertising Samples Appeal to different populations within target segment Children/Teens Parents Students/Young Adults Workforce/Professionals
Don’t get shot. Get mistified.
Because shaking hands is your business, protecting you from the flu virus is ours. Get mistified. Learn more at
FLUMIST NASAL SPRAY FLU SHOT How would you rather feel? Avoid the flu this year. Look and feel great. Get mistified.
The flu can feel like paddling nowhere in a pool. A flu shot can make you look like this!!! Be FLU FREE this flu season with FLUMIST NASAL SPRAY. “2 thumbs up” says Heather and Michelle. Get mistified.