This Co-Op Registration Meeting lasts 50 minutes and is the 1 st of 2 required meetings. Students interested in co-oping must attend the entire session of each meeting. The Co-Op Program & application process will be explained in this presentation. At the end of the presentation, students interested in continuing the co-op application process will be given an opportunity to activate an account in eRecruiting. A one time $45.00 fee (billed through AU Student Financial Services) is required to activate this account. eRecruiting is the system the AU Co-Op Program uses for students to apply for jobs & to track each student’s activities as an applicant & as a co-op student. An example of eRecruiting will be shown later in this presentation.
Fill out the left-hand side Look in Packet!!
Please Print Neatly
Curriculum Preference: Address: PERSONAL INFORMATION: Date of Birth: Mo.: Day: Yr.: Please answer Yes/No: U.S. Citizen: Financial Aid: NG- Reserve: Transportation: Advanced ROTC: Married: Physical Limitations: (If yes, please explain)
Help us spend money wisely. Look in Packet!!
Please pass to the end of the row: Co-Op Data Sheet Survey Form
AU Co-Op Program Staff Kim Durbin - Director (Co-Op Coordinator) Jeff Brackin - Assistant Director (Co-Op Coordinator) Mary Richardson - Office Administrator Erin Freeman - Admin. Support Assistant Ben Johnson - Student Assistant ”Vacant” - Work Study
Look in Packet!!
The “Followup” Meeting
Important Dates
Please complete the Co-Op Registration process this semester if you anticipate participating in the Co-Op Program at any point in the future. Make plans to attend next week’s Co-Op Follow-up Meeting. Remember...“The longer we know you, the better we can assist you!”
Employers are recruiting this semester with intentions of hiring co-op students interested in beginning work: Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013
Co-Op Registration Process Attend Registration Meeting (you are present) Build Co-Op Resume Register in eRecruiting 2 work days after this session
Co-Op Registration Process Continued See Academic Advisor Have him/her sign Co-Op Alternation Schedule Review Co-Op Job Openings in eRecruiting See Co-Op Coordinator (bring signed Co-Op Alternation Schedule) Attend Follow-up Meeting (bring co-op resume) Make an appointment with your Co-Op Coordinator
Please have this read by the Follow-up Meeting. Look in Packet!!
Please rank order three main benefits you expect to receive from participating in the AU Co-Op Program. Applicants 3 Financial - Résumé building 4 Improve technical skills - Improve non-technical skills... (interpersonal, communication, etc.) 2 Career exploration 1 Maximize job opportunities at graduation time - Other (please specify) Co-Op Grads
Typical Work / School Co-Op Alternation Plans * Optional Term(s) - Extra Co-Op Work Term(s), Internship(s), Study-Abroad, Summer Job(s), etc. Students can meet the 12 month minimum co-op work requirement & still enjoy 1-2 summers *studying abroad or *working back home. Students can also work *extra co-op terms. School TermPlan APlan BPlan CPlan DPlan E 1st Year - FallSchool 1st Year - SpringSchool 1st Year - SummerWork #1 * * * * 2nd Year - FallSchoolWork #1School 2nd Year - SpringWork #2SchoolWork #1School 2nd Year - SummerSchoolWork #2SchoolWork #1 * 3rd Year - FallWork #3SchoolWork #2SchoolWork #1 3rd Year - SpringSchoolWork #3SchoolWork #2School 3rd Year - Summer * *Work #3SchoolWork #2 4th Year - FallSchool Work #3School 4th Year - SpringSchool Work #3 4th Year - Summer * * * * * 5th Year - FallSchool 5th Year - SpringSchool
Co-Op Program Review Minimum 12 months career related work experience (all with same employer) Work is full-time (40 hours/week) Alternate semesters of work with semesters of school Work is for pay (good $alarie$) Design is for student to begin early in their Academic Program/Curriculum Co-Op Course fee ($45.00 per work semester)
co-op résumé Look in Packet!!
Co-Op Résumé For Co-Op purposes - You should produce a co-op résumé like the sample provided. Do not sell yourself short... a 2 page co-op résumé is fine. Download & edit sample co-op résumé from: Please, do not use Microsoft “templates”.
Make a note! To determine “Current Status” consider the credit hours you have completed & the hours you are taking this semester.
Your “Current Status” is: Freshman0-30 hours Sophomore31-60 hours Junior61-90 hours Senior91+ hours
(information provided in co-op résumé should be from college only)
Click Here
$$ Look in Packet!!
The remainder of this presentation is for those interested in trying to co-op. A $45.00 one-time fee is assessed to each interested student and billed through AU Student Financial Services.
AU Co-Op gets the white copy & you keep the yellow copy. Handout!!
Click Here
Remember! Give us 2 work days to register you in eRecruiting. Your Username will be your Banner ID number plus “coop” (example: coop) Password = 2012
A red bullet indicates a required field. Be sure to complete these fields. After completing this section, continue scrolling down.
Refer to the Major Code document in your registration packet
Major Code Document Example: Computer Engineering = ECPE Look in Packet!!
Next, upload your résumé by clicking “Go” or “upload a document”
You must have already created a résumé in order to Upload. Word or RTF format only... please do not upload as.PDF
After uploading your resume… You’re done! You can view and/or edit your Profile information by clicking on this link.
You can Edit any of this information Click Edit to add new information
You can Edit or add any information on this screen. When complete, click Save.
Helpful eRecruiting Tips Be careful using the mouse scroll. Double check entries to be sure the correct information was selected. Pay careful attention to pop up menus. Any questions or problems, please contact the Co-Op Program ** After completing both sections of your Profile and Uploading your co-op résumé, you are done!! You can now log-out of eRecruiting. **
Where Do We Go From Here? 1. Read The Co-Op Handbook 2. Construct a Co-Op Résumé using Microsoft Word, print a copy and bring the résumé with you to the Follow-up Meeting 3. Register in eRecruiting (using the instructions provided) 4. Upload your Co-Op Résumé into eRecruiting (using the instructions provided) Attend a Co-Op Follow-up Meeting (Meeting 2) exactly 1 week from today. Prior to next week’s meeting, complete the following tasks: Look in Packet!!
Please turn in the white copy of your eRecruiting form. (you keep the yellow copy)
Your Success Will Be Determined By: 1.Qualifications Academic Major Grade Point Average (GPA) Maturity Personality Flexibility 2.Your Effort
... the AU Co-Op Staff will “Match Your Effort” !
If you would like to view and/or print today’s presentation, visit the AU Co-Op Program website at:
Click Here
You earn a future when you earn a degree !