Early Civilizations in India Ch.3 Sec.1
Geography of India Himalayas – Border India to the north Highest mountain peaks in the world Ganges & Indus Rivers – Created two major valleys each with a major river running through it Monsoons – Refers to seasonal wind patterns in this part of the world For months on end each year, heavy rain and winds hit India
Early Civilizations of India Harappan & Mohenjo Daro - Large city-states found along the Indus River Cities housed over 35,000 people Shows careful planning by original peoples Had public wells, bathroom systems w/ plumbing, home garbage disposals Were a theocracies Based economy on farming Traded regularly with Sumerians, Egyptians Reasons for decline are a mystery
Arrival of the Aryans Aryans – Were Indo-Europeans Decided to migrate to N. India Were a warrior-culture peoples Settled down and took over all the native tribes Sanskrit – Written language used by the Aryans Probably adopted from the native peoples Recorded mostly legends and religious rules and ceremonies
Arrival of the Aryans Vedas – Collection of early sanskrit writings Reveals daily life and history of ancient India
Daily Life in Ancient India Male Life in India – Were only ones educated Were only ones who could own or inherit property Could only hold religious positions Polygamy was accepted for child-bearing reasons Female Life in India – Given away in arranged marriages Took care of the home, had to bear many children
Daily Life in Ancient India Suttee – Practice of wife dying along with her husband Would throw herself onto her husband’s funeral pyre and be burned Women who refused were held in disgrace and shunned from society