Hinduism Mr. Johnson
Hinduism 15.1 India’s first major religion No single person founded it Began before written history dharma – basic belief that stands for law, obligation & duty Ramayana – an ancient Hindu text that tells about life in ancient India and offers models for dharma
Hinduism 15.2 Vedism was the name of the early Hindu religion Vedas – collection of sacred texts, including verses, hymns, prayers and teachings that lay out the basic beliefs of Hinduism Sanskrit – Indian ancient form of writing Brahmins – priests an religious scholars who formed dominant social class in India Later Vedism is often called Brahmanism
Hinduism 15.3 Caste is a class or group in Hindu society The Vedas describe four main social classes who each have their own duty Brahmins – priests and religious scholars Kshatriyas – rulers and warriors Vaishyas – herders and merchants Shudras - servants Eventually 5 th class developed called the untouchables Could not change caste
Hinduism 15.4 Brahman is the name for the supreme power Hinduism sees time going around in a circle Hindus believe Brahman is constantly creating, destroying and re-creating the universe
Hinduism most important deities who control the universe: Brahma – creates it Vishnu – preserves it Shiva – destroys it
Hinduism 15.6 Basic values Dharma – law, obligation and duty Value marriage Sharing food with others Caring for one’s soul Nonviolence (believe all forms of life have a soul)
Hinduism 15.7 Karma was made up of all the good and evil a person had done in his past life Live good to be reborn into a higher class or live badly and be reborn into a lower class or even animal
Hinduism 15.8 Samsara is the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth (called reincarnation) Samsara ends when the soul escapes and is united with Brahman