General Body Meeting 10/9/13
Bucket and Dipper Junior Honorary Ashley Forsythe
16 points/semester 10 Event Points ◦ Includes General Body Meetings Committee Meetings Fundraising Events ◦ 4 must be non-meeting points 6 Volunteer Points ◦ 3 must be Mirrors-related volunteering ◦ Up to 3 can be from outside volunteering if approved by exec board
Dues are due! Budget has been made up; see Cole after the meeting or set a time to meet with him later this week
AdvertisingChalk, Signs, Buttons$300 Random Acts of KindnessCake, Cups, Candy$230 SelectionsAdvertising/Paper$25 Dance Venue, Food, DJ, Tickets, Decorations$4,500 PhilanthropyNo Cost$0 SocialSee Miscellaneous$0 TechnologyNo Cost$0 FundraisingAdvertising$25 HistorianSee Miscellaneous$0 SecretaryTshirts$500 MiscellaneousUnexpected costs$200 Total Budgeted Cost$5,780 Fundraising GoalDonation to James$5,000 Amount to leave in bank$1,000 Amount to Raise/Have$11,780 Amount in BankAs of 10/2/2013$2,500 Potential Funds (USG)$2,000 Potential Funds (CSA)$2,000 Needed to Fundraise$5,280
Ideals of a Class Honorary ◦ Stephanie, Liz and Kelly are collaborating with Mortar Board ◦ Contact Jenna Gaudio.16 AOSCH Point System (for the House Cup) ◦ At least two reps at each meeting ◦ Can have up to 5 (other Mirrors members get a Mirrors meeting point for attending) ◦ Going to AOSCH/other honorary events earns points too Food Drive with Pay It Forward (Oct. 26-Nov. 25) ◦ Competition between honoraries ◦ Winners participate in a cook-off Application info coming soon!
Volunteering points overlap Volunteer Service Award Various organizations to volunteer for (and voting) James Volunteer Flu Shots!
Opinions on Application ◦ What did you think about the application process? ◦ Suggestions for changes? Opinions on Officer Transition/Training ◦ What did you like/dislike? ◦ Suggestions for changes?
Thanks to everyone who helped with FEST! Join our Buckeyethon team, Making Mirrorcles, by Friday before the registration fee goes up from $10 to $15! Next dance committee meeting next Wednesday 10/16 at 9:15 in the Union
Dan-Schott updates/comments Money raised so far… ◦ $175 Hall Councils ◦ $200 Involvement fair setup ◦ $45 J. Gumbo’s ◦ =$420 total…WE NEED MORE! Fundraising Ideas? Fundraising Committee stay for 5 min after to talk to Katherine and Dan!
Weekly meetings starting after break Try to schedule accordingly Hopefully keeping meetings on Wednesdays, just at an earlier time and at the Union Doodle poll coming out soon
Advertising Committee Look for an from Nima with a doodle poll to choose a meeting time Fundraising Committee stay for 5 min after to talk to Katherine and Dan Next general body meeting 10/23/13!