I. The Rise of the Mongols
A. From Tent to Palace… -- nomadic horse people “Man’s highest joy is victory: to conqueror one’s enemies, to pursue them, to deprive them of their possessions, to make their beloved weep, and to embrace their wives and daughters.” -- nomadic horse people -- northern Chinese grasslands (Mongolia) -- raised horses, tended sheep -- lived in felt tents called yurts (ger) -- could NOT intermarry between tribes & clans
Mongolian Steppe
Mongol “Yurt”
1.5 million Mongols
B. Organization 1. families-->clans-->tribes--> -- tribes gathered during annual migration 2. chiefs elected (based on nobility, military ability, leadership) -- Khan (“ruler”) title given to chief 3. religion: Shamanism --nature deities
C. Temüjin: Ghengis Khan 1. 1167-1227, son of tribal chief father poisoned…fled as youth 3. by 40 had unified all Mongol tribes 4. empire ruled by sons & grandsons after death Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan’s Tax Laws: If you do not pay homage, we will take your prosperity. If you do not have prosperity, we will take your children. If you do not have children, we will take your wife. If you do not have a wife, we will take your head. Used cruelty as a weapon The Han Synthesis term refers to the emphasis on Legalism, but with a touch of Confucianism. The Han dynasty recorded Confucius’s teachings (The Analects) and put a big emphasis on the family. Founded the Imperial University Required examinations to become bureaucrat (civil service system) Soldiers dropped to lowest status. Confucianists at work; Daoists at home. The Han tried to replace literature, including Confucius’s writings, lost during the Qin Dynasty. Created new works of literature and music. Scroll painting began during this time. Iron was now used for plows and weapons. Acupuncture was invented. Invented a crude seismic sensing tool, so they could send troops and food to the scene of an earthquake! Inventions include: paper (105 CE), sternpost rudder on ships, water mill, wheelbarrow, furrowed cultivation Show map for Silk Road trade. It brought Chinese together into one civilization, creating a common culture. Economically, it brought much wealth to the Han, as they exported much more than they imported. Wudi’s public schools taught Confucianism. Grand School in capital. In 100 years, 30,000 studied there.
The Khan Family Tolui Genghis Khan Jochi Jagadai Ögödei Batu Güyük Möngke Khubilai Hülegü
D. Conquest 1. intelligence gathering: foreign experts/advisors (in Persian & Chinese) 2. every man carried own supplies & had 2 horses - survived mostly off horse milk & blood 3. vassal system: commanders running army & gov’t brought Chinese engineers conquered most of Asia, Middle East, Russia
32 million square km’s…
E. Mongol Army Tactics 1. all males 15-70 served in army as cavalry 2. organized army in “Myriads” (10,000’s) 3. no one in army was paid, though shared in war booty 4. tactics: --Chinese siege technology & catapults --horsemanship, compound bow --elaborate signals (flags, hands) --retreat, turn, flank, destroy --fear
Mongol Warriors The Han Synthesis term refers to the emphasis on Legalism, but with a touch of Confucianism. The Han dynasty recorded Confucius’s teachings (The Analects) and put a big emphasis on the family. Founded the Imperial University Required examinations to become bureaucrat (civil service system) Soldiers dropped to lowest status. Confucianists at work; Daoists at home. The Han tried to replace literature, including Confucius’s writings, lost during the Qin Dynasty. Created new works of literature and music. Scroll painting began during this time. Iron was now used for plows and weapons. Acupuncture was invented. Invented a crude seismic sensing tool, so they could send troops and food to the scene of an earthquake! Inventions include: paper (105 CE), sternpost rudder on ships, water mill, wheelbarrow, furrowed cultivation Show map for Silk Road trade. It brought Chinese together into one civilization, creating a common culture. Economically, it brought much wealth to the Han, as they exported much more than they imported. Wudi’s public schools taught Confucianism. Grand School in capital. In 100 years, 30,000 studied there.
F. Results of Expansion 3. unified law code (Yasa) 1. increased trade & revival of Silk Road 2. facilitated movement of goods, merchants, & diplomats 3. unified law code (Yasa) 4. travelers encountered new languages, laws & customs 5. spread of disease & bubonic plague
Thesis Statement Writing Exercise: How did the Mongols, with a total population of less than 1.5 million, conqueror such a large area and hold onto it for over a century?
II. Mongol Eurasia
A. The Conquest of China 1. Genghis Khan wanted the riches of China 2. 1227 conquered Beijing, but died same year 3. successors took all of China
B. Divisions at Genghis Khan’s Death Four Khanates: 1. “Golden Hoarde” (Russia) 2. Il-Khanate (Persia) 3. Jagadai Khanate 4. Yuan Dynasty
C. Il-Khan & Golden Horde Conflict 1. Golden Horde adopts Islam & aligns with Mamluks 2. Il-Khanate briefly aligns with Europeans during Crusades 2. Ghazan (Il-Khan ruler) declares himself a Muslim in 1295 -- used “tax farming” -- Il-Khanate ends in 1349 3. rise of Timur (Tamerlane) from Jagadai Khanate in C. Asia
D. Timur (Tamerlane) 1. Turk related to Genghis by marriage 2. made Samarkand capital 3. the descendants of Timur established in India a Muslim Mongol-Turkic empire (the Mughals) in the 16th c.
E. Culture & Science in Islamic Eurasia 1. historical writing 2. mathematical innovations 3. astronomical discoveries (lunar orbit)
F. Russian Effect 1. Alexander Nevskii (prince of Novgorod) submitted to Mongols; Mongols favored Novgorod & Moscow 2. rise of tsar title
G. East Europe & Anatolia 1. Teutonic Knights: German speaking knights who tried to Christianize Slavic populations in northern European Crusades 2. fear & awe of Mongols 3. bubonic plague reaches Europe in 1340’s 4. 1453 the Ottoman Turk Sultan Mehmet II captures Constantinople
III. Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty, 1264-1368 A. Khubilai Khan (r. 1260-1294): Genghis’ grandson 1. Pax Mongolica (“Mongol Peace”) 2. moved capital to Beijing 3. tolerated Chinese culture but lived apart 4. NO Chinese in top govt. posts 5. encouraged foreign trade & foreign merchants to live in China (Marco Polo) The Han Synthesis term refers to the emphasis on Legalism, but with a touch of Confucianism. The Han dynasty recorded Confucius’s teachings (The Analects) and put a big emphasis on the family. Founded the Imperial University Required examinations to become bureaucrat (civil service system) Soldiers dropped to lowest status. Confucianists at work; Daoists at home. The Han tried to replace literature, including Confucius’s writings, lost during the Qin Dynasty. Created new works of literature and music. Scroll painting began during this time. Iron was now used for plows and weapons. Acupuncture was invented. Invented a crude seismic sensing tool, so they could send troops and food to the scene of an earthquake! Inventions include: paper (105 CE), sternpost rudder on ships, water mill, wheelbarrow, furrowed cultivation Show map for Silk Road trade. It brought Chinese together into one civilization, creating a common culture. Economically, it brought much wealth to the Han, as they exported much more than they imported. Wudi’s public schools taught Confucianism. Grand School in capital. In 100 years, 30,000 studied there.
6. Building Projects under Yuan: --extended Grand Canal to Beijing 7. attacked Japan in 1281 & lost
Above is a picture of Suzhou in Jiangsu province showing houses along the Grand Canal. From north to south, the Grand Canal is over 1,700 kilometers (roughly 1,100 miles) long, linking Hangzhou in Zhejiang province with Beijing in the north. An extremely important water project that was first started in the Sui dynasty (589-618), it connects several big rivers and provides an important means of transportation and communication. With the two pictures below in mind, how do you think the access to rivers and lakes would have made the lifestyle of people in the south different from that of people in the north?
Marco Polo 1. Venetian merchant 2. traveled through Yuan China from 1271-1295: called Beijing richest city in the world --“black stones” (coal) --gunpowder --noodles The Han Synthesis term refers to the emphasis on Legalism, but with a touch of Confucianism. The Han dynasty recorded Confucius’s teachings (The Analects) and put a big emphasis on the family. Founded the Imperial University Required examinations to become bureaucrat (civil service system) Soldiers dropped to lowest status. Confucianists at work; Daoists at home. The Han tried to replace literature, including Confucius’s writings, lost during the Qin Dynasty. Created new works of literature and music. Scroll painting began during this time. Iron was now used for plows and weapons. Acupuncture was invented. Invented a crude seismic sensing tool, so they could send troops and food to the scene of an earthquake! Inventions include: paper (105 CE), sternpost rudder on ships, water mill, wheelbarrow, furrowed cultivation Show map for Silk Road trade. It brought Chinese together into one civilization, creating a common culture. Economically, it brought much wealth to the Han, as they exported much more than they imported. Wudi’s public schools taught Confucianism. Grand School in capital. In 100 years, 30,000 studied there.
Marco Polo’s Travels The Han Synthesis term refers to the emphasis on Legalism, but with a touch of Confucianism. The Han dynasty recorded Confucius’s teachings (The Analects) and put a big emphasis on the family. Founded the Imperial University Required examinations to become bureaucrat (civil service system) Soldiers dropped to lowest status. Confucianists at work; Daoists at home. The Han tried to replace literature, including Confucius’s writings, lost during the Qin Dynasty. Created new works of literature and music. Scroll painting began during this time. Iron was now used for plows and weapons. Acupuncture was invented. Invented a crude seismic sensing tool, so they could send troops and food to the scene of an earthquake! Inventions include: paper (105 CE), sternpost rudder on ships, water mill, wheelbarrow, furrowed cultivation Show map for Silk Road trade. It brought Chinese together into one civilization, creating a common culture. Economically, it brought much wealth to the Han, as they exported much more than they imported. Wudi’s public schools taught Confucianism. Grand School in capital. In 100 years, 30,000 studied there.
Yuan Porcelains & Ceramics Above is a picture of Suzhou in Jiangsu province showing houses along the Grand Canal. From north to south, the Grand Canal is over 1,700 kilometers (roughly 1,100 miles) long, linking Hangzhou in Zhejiang province with Beijing in the north. An extremely important water project that was first started in the Sui dynasty (589-618), it connects several big rivers and provides an important means of transportation and communication. With the two pictures below in mind, how do you think the access to rivers and lakes would have made the lifestyle of people in the south different from that of people in the north?
B. Yuan Organization 1. highly centralized: Mongols ruling elite -Mongols: top posts -Persians, Turks, Nomads: high civil posts -N. Chinese: next highest posts -S. Chinese: lowest posts *all records in Uighur Turkic
C. Role of Religion in Yuan China 1. Policy of toleration 2. Christianity: Khubilai Khan invited a Papal Mission 3. Buddhism: gained 500,000 converts 4. Islam: spread rapidly 5. Confucianism survived
D. Decline & Fall 1. Yuan Dynasty: shortest lived major Chinese dynasty 2. the death of Kublai Khan’s son causes decentralization & rise of warlords 3. last Khan fled to Mongolia in 1368