The program was supposed to tell you to bring a computer with Boardmaker Plus or Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamic Pro. If you want to quickly try to download a demo of the software, go to: Boardmaker Classic – North America – you have to create a user name (free) and log it
Tennessee Association for Assistive Technology Conference November 29, 2012 Murfreesboro, TN Mari Beth Coleman, Ph.D. University of Tennessee Blanche Jackson Glimps, Ph.D. Tennessee State University Melissa Martin, M.A. University of Tennessee
In this hands-on instructional session, participants will learn how to use features in Boardmaker Plus or Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamically Pro to create interactive activities for students who need alternative physical access to academic curricula. Session leaders will provide a brief introduction to alternative access and then provide step-by-step instructions guiding participants through building interactive boards which would allow students using alternative input devices (e.g., trackballs, joysticks) access to academic instruction. Session leaders also will introduce participants to creating and using scanning features so activities can be accessed by students who use switches for computer access. Examples of activities from several curriculum areas (e.g., reading, writing, social studies) will be provided to give participants ideas for creating accessible activities for their students.
1.Participants will see examples of accessible instructional activities in different subject areas (reading, writing, math, social studies) which may give them ideas on adapting activities for their students who need alternative physical access or who use augmentative communication to access academic instruction. 2.Participants will learn how to find premade interactive activities on the Boardmaker Share site. 3.Participants will learn how to use basic interactive features in Boardmaker Plus (or BM with SDPro) including message windows, speech features, and linking boards to create simple, accessible learning activities for students who need alternative physical access. 4.Participants will learn how to set up scanning patterns and use scanning features in Boardmaker Plus (or BM with SDPro) to create learning activities or speech boards for students who use switches for access to instruction.
Decreased access to materials due to motor limitation Restricted communication Health factors, fatigue & endurance Experiential deficits & differences in concept development Interaction of additional disabilities Psychosocial, attitudinal & environmental factors Reading & Writing
Stumbo, Martin, and Hedrick (2009) found, for individuals with physical disabilities, that “appropriately chosen and implemented assistive technology” (p.108) is crucial for increasing the level of participation in education, employment, and independent living to levels similar to peers without disabilities.
TN has adopted the CCSS. Access to these new standards may be difficult for students with physical disabilities. Technology can provide accessibility for these students through the use of software and programs, and online resources.
Boardmaker – print out low tech activities Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamically Pro – exceptionally customizable AAC software Boardmaker Plus – BM with SDPro minus a few features (different voice options, no word prediction)
Easy Features Speech (single message, combined messages, random messages) Dynamic (Linking) boards Moveable buttons Popup boards Symbolate (similar to Writing with Symbols/ Symwriter) Advanced Features Variables Launching programs Playing movies Macros (combinations of functions) Others
Examples of activities for Reading Writing Math Social Studies Tutorial Quick basic board creation (basic Boardmaker skills are assumed) How to Add speech features (message windows, spoken preview, speak text, type text) Create scanning patterns for switch users Set up boards so they change Create moveable button activities (If time) Use variables and macros
Thank you for attending!!! Website: If you have any questions: Mari Beth Coleman Blanche Jackson Glimps Melissa Martin