Overpopulation: is the excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental depletion. -There are too many people, which lessens the availability of natural resources as well as the availability of space. -As of now, the country with the largest growth rate is the People’s republic of China. -It is said that in the next twenty years, the Muslim population will grow about 35%.
PLACES WITH HIGHEST GROWTH RATES. The top 10 countries with the largest populations: 1.Peoples Republic of China - 1,342,340, % of worlds population. 2.India – 1,194,090, % of worlds population. 3.United States – 312,066, % of worlds population. 4.Indonesia – 238,400, % of worlds population. 5.Brazil – 194,227, % of worlds population. 6.Pakistan – 171,841, % of worlds population. 7.Bangladesh – 164,425, % of worlds population. 8.Nigeria – 158,259, % of worlds population. 9.Russia – 141,927, % of worlds population. 10.Japan – 127,380, % of worlds population.
WHY DO INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES HAVE SLOWER GROWTH RATES? -Non industrialized countries have high birth rates, but they do not have health care which makes their life expectancy a lot shorter. -As a country develops they become more savvy toward new developments in health care. -So since there is better health care, it means you can save more people, which means less people are dying.
UNITED STATES & OVERPOPULATION. -The U.S is third on the list of highest growth rates. -According to the Huffington post, U.S birth rates set a record low in 2008 after the recession started in The article stated birth rates hit lowest level in a century. -Birth rates fell 2.6% in 2 “The birth rate, which takes into account changes in the population, fell to 13.5 births for every 1,000 people last year. That's down from 14.3 in 2007 and way down from 30 in 1909, when it was common for people to have big families.” – the huffington post 8/27/ In China to control the population, they have the one child policy. It restricts urban families from having more than one child.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES -Pollution -Deforestation -If we keep destroying our natural surroundings, it will result in the loss of habitat for various species and cause severe ecological imbalance on the planet. -This is bad because everything, everyone on this earth depends on each other directly and indirectly. - Public Health – unclean water and poor sanitation kills over 12 million people each year and air pollution kills nearly 3 million people a year. These numbers will greatly increase as the population rises. - There will be shortages in food supply and fresh water. - Overpopulation will also effect oceans, coastlines, forests, biodiversity, and global climate.
ECONOMICAL ISSUES - people will fight and chase for limited and scarce resources. -The law of supply and demand states that the price of an item depends on its availability. -So if natural resources are becoming more scarce as the population rises, the prices of those items will greatly increase too. -More people means more competition for jobs.
SOLUTIONS TO OVERPOPULATION. - Education, Family Planning, Sex-Ed, and Health care.
SOURCES 1. record_n_ htmlhttp:// record_n_ html forecasted-report-review/ forecasted-report-review/