Firm Foundations Lesson 2 God Alone Memory verse: Psalm 90:2
Introduction Who is God? What is God like? How can we know Him? What God has said about Himself in His Word Jeremiah 9:23-24 Knowing God is the most important thing we can do
God had no beginning Genesis 1:1 There was a beginning to all things Everything had a beginning, except God What was there before the beginning? Universe? Earth? Angels? Devil? Plants? Animals? People? Everything had a beginning
Only God is eternal God had no beginning, will have no end Man is born and dies Psalm 90:2 God did not have a beginning Will have no end
God is a Trinity God is forever one God But… Genesis 1:26 Who are they? Matthew 28:19 God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit Trinity: 3-in-one God is a trinity of 3 persons Man is only 1 person
God is independent of everything Existed before all things Does not need earth Air Food Water Sun Energy God needs nothing Man needs all these things Psalm 147:5 Romans 11:33-34 God knows everything Man needs to be taught Our needs What if we had been born without parents? What do our bodies need? God needs nothing!
God is Spirit He does not have a body like we do John 4:24 God does not have bodily needs God does not have a body Man has a body God is a Trinity of 3 persons Not a “force”
God is in all places at the same time God is everywhere Not “in everything” Creator, separate from creation Fills the universe Jeremiah 23:23-24 In all places He’s everywhere at all times God is everywhere all the time Man is only one place at a time Psalm 139:7-12 Can you hide from God?
God is sovereign God is beyond our understanding Had no beginning and no end Is three persons Never in need of anything Knows everything Is Spirit Everywhere at the same time Jeremiah 10:6 Sovereign Ruler, supreme in power, chief, effective in the highest degree Psalm 83:18: “most high over all the earth” Isaiah 45:5: there is no other God but the Lord God is the highest authority Man should be under God’s authority
God alone can tell us about the beginning Only God was there at the beginning God was there before the beginning of everything Man was not there God gave the record of beginnings In the Bible Study in next lesson
Conclusion: God… Is greater than all Had no beginning Will have no end He is Trinity, three in one Needs nothing Has no bodily needs: He is Spirit Knows everything Is in all places at the same time