Landing Report The off-load of catch to one processors or buyer. One Landing report may represent multiple fish tickets. If the harvester sells to more than one processor, multiple landing reports are created. All landing reports and fish ticket are joined by one unique Trip number based upon Year/Vessel ID/Overlapping dates. IERS Interagency Electronic Reporting System, commonly called eLandings seaLandings application for the disconnected at sea operation (landing and production reporting) tLandings application for the disconnected tender operation (landing reporting only) Agency Desktop Web application to allow agency staff to view and edit landing reports.
Presentation focus: What is eLandings? Program overview and current status. Current developments and activities. New application functions for salmon. Implementation approach for salmon. Project documentation.
The Interagency Who Alaska Department of Fish and Game International Pacific Halibut Commission National Marine Fisheries Service –Sustainable Fisheries –Restricted Access Management
Interagency Electronic Reporting Program Components Web based reporting Desktop reporting via Agency Interface for review and editing submitted electronic data Elandings 24/7 SOB Initial and Final submission
Interagency Server NMFS RAM NMFS Sustainable Fisheries ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division IPHC Interagency Web-based Electronic Reporting Catch and Production Reporting by Industry
Interagency Web-based Electronic Reporting ADF&G Land to Fish Upon receipt of paper fish ticket at local office of ADF&G, tickets are ‘batched’ – assigned a unique archival number within the IERS system. This triggers the pull of data to the ADF&G Fish Ticket System. Local offices of ADF&G can manage fisheries using data from the fish ticket system. Data is pulled into ALEX for Region I.
Interagency Web-based Electronic Reporting AGENCY DESKTOP APPLICATION PROCEDURES BATCHING Review and Editing Audit trail
Interagency Web-based Electronic Reporting Currently, the Agency Desktop application offers limited reporting capability.
IERS – 4 th quarter 2008 status Fully implemented: – Rationalized Crab Fishery. – Statewide Groundfish, including CDQ halibut fisheries. – January 2009 IERS will be required by NMFS for all processors with a Federal Processor Permit. Magnetic stripe on CFEC permit cards.
IERS – 4 th quarter 2008 status Operations Types Number Plant/Receiver facilities 98 Custom Processing Owner 75 At-Sea Processor102 Processor User Accounts Processor User Accounts424
eLandings User Accounts
IERS – 4 th quarter 2008 status Landing Reports by type: YearFishery Report TypeNumber of Reports 2007Crab Groundfish21, Crab Groundfish21,450
Stakeholders Agency Staffs – local offices and HQ Processors – local offices and HQ (Wa.) –Tenders –Buying Stations –Custom Processors Enforcement Officers –NMFS Enforcement –State Troopers Fishery Coop Managers
Project Goals and Standards Collect timely commercial catch statistics. Collect real time quota catch statistics. Reduce redundant reporting to mgt agencies from seafood industry. Improved data quality. Join multiple landing documents and reports with a unique trip number. Considers processor business constraints. One-time data entry for processors.
Program Challenges currently being addressed Report capability in Agency Desktop to access timely harvest information. 24/7 user support. Willingness of processors to provide access to web-based eLandings system 24/7. Disconnected buyers – –At sea operations –Remote locations. Seasonally high volume salmon fisheries.
eLandings for Salmon Timeline A 500k CIP to expand electronic reporting to salmon included in the Governor’s budget and approved by the legislature. Feasibility and initial requirements report completed to expand eLandings to salmon for shorebased processors and tenders. 2007/8 - HQ Computer Services programming staff began to returned to stable staffing.
eLandings for Salmon 2007/8 - Conducted numerous interviews and site visits with processor and ADF&G staffs, as well as tender operators. Staff completed initial trials of the salmon tender application – tLandings. Feb Provide training to processor staff on ‘data bridge’ to facilitate one time data entry. Feb Provide eLandings training to NMFS Enforcement and State Troopers. March 2009 – Initial deployment of eLandings Salmon at Sitka Sound Seafoods.
eLandings for Salmon Volume Testing 1/29/09 - Completed test of 1000 landing reports simultaneously submitted. Next volume test will test 6000 landing reports. 30 testers from ADF&G Statewide, IPHC, NMFS, Wostmann, & Ak Science Center.
User Support NMFS has contracted with Enforcement Data Clerks Enforcement Data Clerks (Technicians) to provide (Technicians) to provide 18/7 eLandings user support. Training will be provided February 17-18, February 17-18, 2009.
eLandings for Salmon Application features developed for eLandings Salmon: Abbreviated one page salmon data entry. Chum percentage mass update to landing reports – per day and per tender delivery. Mass update of individual landing reports to reflect post- season price adjustments. Average weight/number of fish calculation option. Data capture of delivery time, chill type, product temperatures. Expansion of grading and pricing templates. Automated daily delivery summary reports to local office of ADF&G. Automated tender trip delivery summary report for processors.
eLandings for Salmon Grading, sizing, pricing template
XML Import and Export Feature
IERS Tender System Beta Testing Miss Linda galley SeaMac wheelhouse
Implementation Approach SlowSteady Target largest processors with multiple facilities Go where we are invited! Be flexible CommunicateEvaluate
Implementation Approach Evaluate Obtain feedback Processors and tendermen ADF&G staffs End users of data Expand to additional processors
Implementation Approach Pattern of implementation of eLandings has been organic: One processor tells another processor that the system works well and is easy. Processor contacts ADF&G and request the use of the system for additional fisheries. Quote from Pacific Marine Expo 2008, Trident Seafoods – “When are you going to expand the system to allow for salmon reporting? We want to report everything in eLandings.”
Implementation Plan Additional Activities Training eLandings seafood processor training in Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Agency staffs Processors and tender operator crew Processor IT staffs and third party vendors – XML import/export Memorandum of Agreement with NMFS and IPHC
Program Documentation Confluence Wiki
Application Development Collaborative process with all stakeholders and developers. An investment of time during the development process can pay dividends with greater efficiencies for many years. Implementation requires trust and patience.
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