Sectors Research, Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies VET SLIM meeting – 11 March 2011 Contents SW Sectors low carbon research Alliance of SSCs and Sector Skills Councils National Skills Academies Engaging and collaborating Dawn Neale, Sectors Manager
SW sectors - Low Carbon Skills Research
Reports coverage & Link Sectors covered:- Sectors covered:- Marine Energy Nuclear LC manufacturing – including composites LC construction Micro renewables ou/working_with_partners/skills_priorities/emplo yment__skills_analysis.aspx ou/working_with_partners/skills_priorities/emplo yment__skills_analysis.aspx
Key low carbon skills reports National SSC cluster report SSC renewables report EEPH report fdf mapping report Regional Marine Energy Skills, EMB consulting Micro renewables, Regen SW Nuclear, Cogent LC Construction, C Skills Composites – Josanne Stewart & Paul Shakespear LC Manufacturing, Semta
Summary of findings - Key skills issues that impact across all sectors Ageing workforce Skills shortages and gaps Global competition for talent New/changing technologies Growing content of occupations e.g. multi skilling STEM uptake in schools colleges & universities Reducing trend of training offered by FE & HE Limited interaction between FE & HE and vice versa Low Carbon targets and where/how individual industries contribute
Actions and Solutions Local, regional and national partners and stakeholders agree actions Transition and legacy activity is agreed & planned Funding is enhanced through streams and projects Knowledge transfer projects are linked HE and FE collaborations Information Advice and Guidance is communicated and coordinated QCF should be exploited STEM activity should be enhanced Key occupations identified to be in demand should be highlighted to Agencies
Articulate the collective voice where it matters High level relationships with key partners, stakeholders and governments Tackle high priority issues in collaborative forums Promote the distinctive role of SSCs SSC Impact & Influencing:
Consistent and cost-effective role in qualifications approval National Occupational Standards that meet employers’ needs Qualifications strategies that meet employers’ needs Deliver new apprenticeship formats and processes Implement frameworks for those seeking to enter or re-enter the workforce SSCs and Qualifications/standards:
First class, consistent and comparable LMI Increase accessibility and value of LMI to key partners and stakeholders Promote the use of Alliance LMI and demonstrate its impact Data across the 4 nations Labour Market Intelligence:
New collaborative cross-sector arrangements Multi-sector groupings in priority areas Effectively link skills bodies outside the Alliance Catalyst, Leader and Co-ordinator:
13 National Skills Academies were set up as a result of the 2005 White Paper “Skills: Getting on in Business, Getting on at Work” National Skills Academies deliver specialised skills to employees and learners to help respond to your business needs They have been established, shaped and led by employers with support from the Government (3 years development funding) WHAT ARE NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMIES?
14 WHITE PAPER VISION FOR NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMIES As set out in the 2005 White Paper the core principles are that skills academies will: Be Employer-led Form strong networks in each sector Link colleges with universities, training providers and specialist schools They will raise standards by: Fostering innovation Sharing best practice Shaping the curriculum Improving the professional development of teachers, lecturers and trainers Transforming the quality and status of vocational education and training
15 National Skills Academies Encourage excellence Make training relevant Put employers at the heart of the network Bring employers together Provide specialist training Take training to more people Improve access Increase productivity NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY NETWORK CORE PRINCIPLES
16 Currently 15 operational skills academies as at July 2010 Round 1 – Approved in October 2006 – now sustainable - Construction- Manufacturing - Financial Services- Food and Drink Manufacturing Round 2 – Launched in September Nuclear- Creative and Cultural - Process Industries- Hospitality Round 3 – Launched in February 2007 – 3 operational - Retail- Materials, Production and Supply - Sport and Active Leisure Round 4 – Launched in May 2008 – 4 operational - Enterprise- Social Care - Power- Information Technologies THE NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY NETWORK
17 Round 5 – Launched in January in business planning: Rail Engineering. – announced november Process Industries –: Bio-technologies and composites extension to existing NSA. Environmental Technologies. Logistics. ROUND 5
18 BECOMING A NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY Expression of Interest Process Prospectus launched Expressions of Interest received, circulated to regions and partner organisations, and paper assessment takes place Short-listed applications invited for interview with employer representation Successful applications formally invited into business planning stage by the Minister
19 Case Studies The National Skills Academy for Hospitality is training and licensing over 50 facilitators to deliver their World-Class Customer Service programme to industry. The programme has been successfully piloted with key business from the hospitality sector – including Barcelo Hotels, Merlin Entertainments and Artizan, along with many others The National Skills Academy for Food and Drink Manufacturing has worked with the country’s biggest dairy companies to secure £2.9 million funding to build a new dairy training facility that will become the most state-of-the-art in Europe, demonstrating the creation of a world-class workforce. The National Skills Academy for Retail and its network of retail skills shops act as a one stop shop for employers to access consistent, high-quality training solutions to meet local needs, on a national level.
20 Case Studies The National Skills Academy for Nuclear brought together the whole sector to develop the Nuclear Skills Passport, which is now being rolled out across the sector. It will be stated as highly desirable in supply chain contracts and has the potential to save the industry over £6 m per annum. The National Skills Academy for Financial Services is running a project which forms part of the Money for LiFE initiative. It aims to enhance the financial capability of over 30,000 learners in 75 Further Education Colleges across England in 2009/10. The National Skills Academy for Manufacturing redeveloped courses at Levels 2 and 3 having recognised that the Business Improvement Techniques NVQ is widely acknowledged as a powerful tool in helping companies improve their productivity and competitiveness.
Conclusion sectors VET activity Alliance groups Local projects Funding proposals and tenders LMI and Data IAG Communications and promotion Employer/stakeholder partnerships Policy and strategy Provision – development and engagement