Marine Core Service MY OCEAN WP 2 Central Engineering Central sub-systems: MyOcean Information System & Web Data Acces Portal
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Outline n WP2 Presentation n WP : Central Engineering –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar, change management n WP Central sub-systems: –MyOcean Information System (MIS) –Web Data Access Portal (WDAP) –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Outline n WP2 Presentation n WP : Central Engineering –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar, change management n WP Central sub-systems: –MyOcean Information System (MIS) –Web Data Access Portal (WDAP) –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Reminder – Simplified WBS WP 2 Central Engineering WP2.1 System Engineering WP2.2 Quality Assurance & Service Transition WP2.3 Information System WP2.4 Web Data Access Portal Cross-cutting engineering activities at project level Central sub-systems Central Information System From July 2010
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.1 and WP2.2 Organisation and Partnership WP2.1 and WP2.2 Leader CLS System Engineering (WP2.1) CLS Quality assurance & Service transition (WP2.2) Met Office System Engineering Team CLS PC System Engineering Teams - UK Met Office - Mercator - INGV SET - NERSC - DMI - MHI-NASU - IFREMER - CLS - MF - KNMI - CNR - MetNo - SMHI System Engineering support EDISOFT Quality assurance support CLS Change Management Met Office Service Transition Met Office Product Quality Certification support Meteo France SCAMG QUARG
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.3 and WP2.4 Organisation and Partnership WP2.3 and WP2.4 Leader CLS Information System (WP2.3) CLS Web Data Access Portal (WP2.4) CLS Definition, development, operations CLS Development support TWM Architecture & development IFREMER Support ion interfaces ENEA Service Desk / Web Portal IF Techworks Integrated qualification SMHI interoperability NERSC Main Technical Team Support Team Definition, development & operations CLS Visualisation UREAD From July 2010
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Outline n WP2 Presentation n WP : Central Engineering –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar, change management n WP Central sub-systems: –MyOcean Information System (MIS) –Web Data Access Portal (WDAP) –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.1 and WP2.2 Main objectives n Main objectives: –Technical coordination: Establish and adapt an overall methodology Support and help for implementation in other WPs –Collective work coordinated by WP2 to carry out: Top-Level Definition, Design & Development (Definition, Requirements Analysis, Architecture & Design & Integration) Top-Level Verification (testing and other verifications) Top-Level Initial Operations (Transition, Validation, Support to operations) –Definition of Quality Assurance and Management Project, processes, services, system components, data products –Configuration Management –Change Management –Release Management –Definition of long term product quality management system –Central role in the MyOcean Project review process
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma What happened in 2010? (reminder) External Interfaces ( EISD) Deployments of MIS Gateway Overall integration Integration PU/DUs + MIS Integration MIS + Web Portal VRR MIS Evolution of Production Chains (including formats and interfaces) Evolution of Production Chains (no changes on interfaces) Production Chains Interfaces System Definition ( HLRD) Analysis ( SRD) Design ( ADD) 53 individual Units in 12 Production Centres Analysis ( SRD) Design ( ADD) Top-Level MyOcean System Web Portal December 2010June 2010December 2009 MIP SRR PDR CDKP PDR VARR Integration Coding Analysis ( SRD) Design ( ADD) PDR VARR Integration & Verification testing PDR (PC PDR Workshop) VARR (PC Acceptance Workshop V1S1) VARR Verification SRR closeout PDR closeout CDKP closeout Coding - Techworks SRD ADD Failures of first recovery plans Coding + IV testing + Support Interfaces Working Groups MIS Gateway WP 2.4 Coding & debugging - CLS Analysis ( SRD) - CLS Verification testing Integration Verification testing Validation Functional descoping “PDR for Services” April 2011 VARR (PC Acceptance Workshop V1S2) PRR V1
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.1 and WP2.2 Main issues n A NEW INTEGRATED system with NEW SUB-SYSTEMS, NOT just extending an already existing system n Complexity of the overall MyOcean Project, Service, System in a highly complex organisation: –60 organisations... –Slow decision process (requires strong efforts and discussions) –Sometimes,“diverging" interests n Top-down and bottom-up approaches simultaneously n Engineering best practices, quality assurance aspects, to be adopted by all partners –Reluctance to standard Engineering methods Strong effort in adaption of the methods to the specific context (review panel helped a lot also) BUT better accepted by partners as the project reaches its maturity (encouraging feedback from internal reviews and workshops) n High pressure to produce a full version at mid project time n Massive parallelization n Concerns on development of some components
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Methodologies & standards n ECSS / ISO standards for –overall project life cycle, plans –especially System Engineering models & technical documents n ITIL standard –for IT Support Contributing Services operating manuals and OLAs –for Top Level Service Management towards Users SLAs, Users feedback n OGC standards –for ocean products specifications, modelling and quality Scientific best practices –for oceanography product qualification (before and during operations)
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Lifecycles: Services, System, Science & Methodoloies
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Achievements n Main achievement: V1 Service opened in December 2010 Delivered in due time and operational (Yes, we could!)
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Achievements (continued) n A Shared vision –Common Planning –Common Methodology Success of PCs PDR Workshop Success of PCs Acceptance Workshop –Common Tests (deliveries are checked against commitments) n Standardization –Integrated architecture and common interfaces –Common operational processes (to work together!) –Products formats (NetCDF/CF) –Common Calibration/Validation methods n Factorisation of efforts –MIS Gateway developed centrally and deployed in most Production Units
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Achievements (continued) n V1 products all connected –presented in a inter-active catalogue (web portal + MIS) –available for download through a single sign-on mechanism n Single point of contact for Users –Products : Web Portal Discovery, Access and Viewing –Queries : Service Desk n Integration of Networks –All Production Units sub systems connected to central sub systems –All Organizations connected into a common Organization Hierarchic Network of Service Desks
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma PCR/SRR (V1/V2): 28-29th October 2009 in Brussels PCR/SRR (V1/V2): close-out : 19th February 2010 by teleconference PDR (V1/V2): System part : 8-9th April 2010 in Darmstadt MIS and Web Portal PDR (V1/V2): 18-19th May 2010 in Toulouse Production Centres' Design Workshop (V1/V2): 3-4th June in Brest PDR (V1/V2)Service part : 15th June 2010 in Brussels PDR (V1/V2)close-out : 13th September 2010 in Darmstadt CDKP (V1/V2) : 14th September 2010 in Darmstadt V1 Stream 1 Production Centres' Acceptance Workshop : 30th September-1st October 2010 in Roma MIS and Web Portal V1 Acceptance review : 15th October 2010 in Toulouse VRR V1: mid November 2010, replaced by a continuous Integration/Verification check VARR V1 : 15th December 2010 in Brussels V1 Stream 2 Production Centres' Acceptance Workshop : 29th March 2011 in Copenhagen User Forum April 2011 in Stockholm PRR V1: 29th April 2011 in Roma VARR V1 Stream2: 29th June 2011 in Kiev PRR V1 Stream2: 21th September 2011 POR: 21th September 2011 V2 Production Centres' Acceptance Workshop : 29th September 2011 VARR V2 : 15th December 2011 PRR V2: 15th March 2012 Project Reviews involving WP2 From last year
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.1 and WP2.2 : Main deliverables WP2.1 MYO-TOP-GLOSMyOcean Glossary MYO-TOP-HLRD MyOcean High Level Requirements Document MYO-TOP-SRDSpecification Requirement Document MYO-TOP-TARTraceability and Allocation of Requirements MYO-TOP-ADDArchitecture Design Document MYO-TOP-EISDExternal Interface Specification Document MYO-TOP-TN-PDDProduct Dependencies Dataflow MYO-AQT-TN-REVMyOcean Reviews Technical Note MYO-TOP-sysCMPSystem Configuration Management Plan MYO-TOP-SDPSystem Development Plan MYO-TOP-SIVVPSystem Integration, Verification, Validation Plan MYO-TOP-IVTDSystem Integration, Verification Test Description MYO-TOP-IVTRSystem Integration, Verification Test Results MYO-TOP-VTDSystem Validation Test Description MYO-TOP-VTRSystem Validation Test Results MYO-TOP-OLA-TemplateOLA Template WP2.2 MYO-TOP-QAPQuality Assurance Plan MYO-AQT-INT Quality Assurance Introduction MYO-TOP-sysCMPSystem Configuration Management Plan MYO-TOP-SVPService Validation Plan MYO-TOP-SLRVDService Level Requirement Validation Document MYO-TOP-VDDVersion Description Document (at each Milestone) Our shared vision - On which we can be build for the future
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Next steps
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Change management and SCAMG n Changes are identified wrt to the current baseline: –Discrepancies with the agreed System / Service / Product requirements baselines, or bad implementation of them: anomalies –New identified needs or improvements, involving updates of requirements and baseline control: evolutions –Routine modifications of the IT infrastructure without effect on the rest of the System / Service: notifications n Changes originate from: –Within the Project: System Development Teams Product Managers Service Managers –Outside the Project: Users’ feedbacks and requests MyOcean Stakeholders
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Changes may be related to : –The System (automated capabilities) Anomalies with respect of expected behaviour (detected by IV&V activities) Evolutions of desired behaviour (asked by users, stakeholders or project members) –The Products Anomalies / Evolutions in Products descriptions, quality or performances Anomalies / Evolutions in Product Management processes (including Catalogue Management). –The IT Infrastructure Support Services Anomalies / Evolutions / Notifications on the deployed components of the IT Infrastructure. Examples : –Notification of a disk capacity change on an operational sub system, –Evolution of the IT CMDB involving the transition (acceptance) of a new released system or sub system in the operational environment. Anomalies / Evolutions in IT Service Management processes (including Service Desk). Change management and SCAMG
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Changes must be controlled n A process to control, assess and prioritize changes –Request For Change (RFC) Lifecycle Changes evolve under control and are planned through defined steps : –Open, –Analyzed, –Accepted or Refused, –In progress, –Implemented, –Tested, –Validated, –Closed. –Decisions are made in periodic SCAMG meetings (Service/System Change Approval and Management Group) : In Change Commission Review, the SCAMG assesses the analyzed RFCs and schedule them for future and defined releases. In Delivery Readiness Inspection, the SCAMG assesses the RFCs that are already tested and scheduled for the next release. SCAMG Decision in CCR SCAMG Decision in DRI
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Change Management: SCAMG Change Manager SCAMG chairwoman (WP2.2) Change Manager SCAMG chairwoman (WP2.2) System Change Manager (WP2.1) System Change Manager (WP2.1) Products Change Manager (WP17) Products Change Manager (WP17) IT Infrastructure Change Manager (WP16) IT Infrastructure Change Manager (WP16) + SCAMG members Product Managers & Contributors Product Managers & Contributors System Development Teams System Development Teams Service Managers & Contributors Service Managers & Contributors Users Project Managers, Stakeholders Project Managers, Stakeholders System RFCs (tooled) Products RFCs (tooled) + Service Desk(s) IT Infrastructure RFCs (tooled) RFCs (MSWord Form) RFCs (MSWord Form) Answers +Engineering, PMO + Catalogue Managers Consistency Routing
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Conclusions n V1 Stream 1 products are connected and available for users. n Most vital features are available for users (discovery and information on products, download, Service Desk) for V1.0. n For the first time, all Production Units are integrated into a unique system, with common, standard interfaces and methods, in a common organisation: this is the MyOcean Service. n Products and Features can evolve independently, on different paces and paths. –Continuous integration of products –Quantified and controlled evolutions of systems n Collective work (not WP2 alone!): Strong collaborative work and shared vision are now well in place in the project (e.g. Success of internal design and acceptance workshops, Constructive work done by the Executive Committee) MyOcean partners & Engineering methodologies ??
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Outline n WP2 Presentation n WP : Central Engineering –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar, change management n WP Central sub-systems: –MyOcean Information System (MIS) –Web Data Access Portal (WDAP) –Objectives, main challenges, main achievements, calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.3 and WP2.4 Main objectives n Define, implement, operate the MyOcean Central Sub-systems: –MyOcean Information System –Web Data Access Portal
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.3 WP2.4
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n The MIS is the sub-system which manages MyOcean information and links together production units and the User Interface –Provides the web services allowing the user to discover and download of the product –Provides an interface allowing the producers to describe the products in the catalogue –Monitors the products, the user requests, the sub-systems n Main issues: –(also the main objective): Integrate heterogeneous systems and data centers, so that the user can have a unique and harmonized access to the information and data –Improve usability of the interfaces –Adapt the configuration of the data access mechanisms (MIS Gateway) to the specificity of the datasets and user needs WP2.3: MyOcean Information System (MIS) Objectives
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma MIS : main achievements n Discovery (Inspire) service: allows users to discover (search and get information) the products through a interoperable catalogue n Download (Inspire) service: allows users to access the MyOcean numerical data through the same web interface with one login and password n Catalogue configuration is done by the DU Product Managers through a metadata editor (central component embedded in the MIS) n Catalogue and information system deployed and configured at central level n Monitoring: Production monitoring, Transaction accounting n MIS gateway deployed and configured in almost all Dissemination Units, The MIS gateway allows DUs to implement services which answer MyOcean requirements (download with central authentication, transaction accounting, harmonized interfaces)
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma MIS gateway deployed at DU level
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Technical Challenges –Simplification of the installation and configuration of MIS and MIS Gateway (for producers) –Simplification of the usage of the interfaces (discover, download, view, monitoring, for users) –Consolidation of the compliance with INSPIRE n Operational Challenges –Monitor sub-systems and automatic procedures to solve incidents n Main Risks (as in past months) –Though central and standard technical solutions have been deployed, support tasks to DUs are really heavy (though necessary). Strong effort put in this task (within MIS team), however still considered insufficient by some partners WP2.3: Future Challenges
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Past (event, work or tasks achieved) : –October 2010 : MIS VARR –October – December 2010 : stream 1 integration –December 2010 : service V1 open in operation –Beginning of 2011 : stream1 consolidation –March 2011 : stream 2 integration n Future : –June 2011 : VARR V1.1/stream2 (MIS gateway release) –June 2011: consolidation of the MIS physical architecture: full redundancy of components (autonomous and without interruption) –September 2011 : V2 MIS VARR –December 2011 : V2 service open in operation WP2.3 - MIS - calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.4 Objectives n Main objective of the Web-portal: n MyOcean Showcase for Users, Partners, … n Provide access to products and associated services (info, view, download) n Manage Users Data Base n Main issues n Web Portal is not simply a web site: full and complex sub-system (became obvious after system analysis) n Web-portal architecture closely linked to MIS architecture (lots of interfaces and information fluxes) n Web Portal activities initially split into different WPs, with different partners (WP1.3:Communication + WP16.4, then WP2.4).
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.4: main achievements n Main achievements are n Web-portal V1 is running and operational since December 2010 n Main MyOcean services are proposed n Links with central MIS are effective n Links with MIS GateWay (in PC/DUs) are effective n First versions of dynamic visualisation have been developed (but not already integrated) n Main difficulties n Difficult first steps of analysis (specifications) and design. Recovery plans set up by the project. n Delays in early phases caused reduction of functional scope (to preserve V1 delivery) and late integration with MIS and other components n The current web-portal is a recovery solution done at last time. n Next development must reuse previous main choices n Lacks in the Web Portal are directly impacting users
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.4: next steps n Remaining activities/objectives n Complete, Improve usability of download interface (almost finished, to be delivered in the next versions of the system) n Integrate dynamic visualization service n Improve online registration n Improve User Management functions n Improve and consolidate visualisation capabilities n Review needs/solution against User Workshop feedbacks n Challenges and risks n Manage technical choices done in recovery (emergency) conditions for the rest of the project n Keep the same operational level (good level) n Prioritise effectively according to different constraints (schedule, resources, users and project pressure): Web Portal is the most exposed component
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n Past (event, work or tasks achieved) : –Web-portal PDR and acceptance failed –Recovery plans set up by the project –End July 2010: move from WP16.4 to WP2.4 –End September 2010 : TWM release –December 2010 : release by of an improved and more robust version for V1 operations –February 2011 : different operational/pre-operational environments in place to test changes safely n Future : –Mai 2011 : Resume Web-portal developments (according to WP2.4 work plan and project arbitrations) –September 2011 : V2 release ready in the pre-operation environment to allow tests (IVV) –December 2011 : V2 in operation WP2.4 Calendar
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.4 Illustrations: Discovery Service Web Portal Users Web DAP Using an interface Providing an interface CS-W request Discover GUI MIS Catalogue manager Production Unit Product Managers Metadata Editor Catalogue Browser
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma WP2.4 Illustrations: Dowload Service
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma n MIS and Web Portal central sub-systems carry out a large part of the MyOcean system integration n They now represent the framework within which future capabilities will be embedded and to which Production Centers are connected: this is the MyOcean System Central sub-systems: MIS & Web Portal Conclusions