The long-standing bias of Europe
When did this start? Mad long ago – Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, yo. Seen as a privileged class, set apart from rest of society In reality, were forced apart from wider society Fed by Christian and Muslim resentment of their successes highly motivated communities that learned to be self- sufficient early on Pogroms against Jews common throughout history
Nationalism and Antisemitism Nationalist movements brought these feelings to the forefront Change from ethnic or religious focus to a racial one (biological) Race – biological heritage/identity No significant biological differences among the races of the world (despite what Social Darwinists believed) Ethnicity – cultural heritage/identity
Emancipation of Jewish populations in 19 th century Europe Began with French Rev in 1789 Continued throughout the 19 th century – Jews began to assimilate into wider culture Many threw off the cast of their Jewish identity Many also associated with more liberal doctrines like socialism Gee I wonder why…
Reactions to Emancipation Critics of Jews spoke out both anonymously AND publicly Composer Richard Wagner, known for his triumphant German nationalistic compositions, penned an essay lambasting the Jewish influence on “German” music Wilhelm Marr, German journalist, coined the word when forming his ANTISEMITISM League in 1879 Christian Socialist Party founded by Alfred Stoecker was also anti-Semitic on a public level Karl Lueger’s Antisemitism Party in Austria Other anti-Semitic political parties also popped up in this era
Protocols of the Elders of Zion Anti-Semitic hoax from Russia – published in 1903 and multiple times after in a variety of languages Henry Ford popularized it in the US Hitler made it required reading for the Nazi party – a warrant for genocide What was it about? Supposedly transcribed a meeting of international Jews discussing how they were going to control the world press and banking systems Conspiracy wackjobs ate it up
Dreyfus Affair Look back at your text What happened? Why was it so shocking for the French population? How would you feel as a Jewish member of French society? Compare the events of the Dreyfus affair with Hertzl’s statement on the creation of a Jewish Nation
Theodore Hertzl Austro-Hungarian, raised in a humanistic tradition, not a Jewish one Lawyer turned journalist Utopic view of a Jewish state in Palestine Wanted “mutualism” – similar to the ideas of the French Utopian socialists Equal rights for women and non-Jews Died in Austria in 1904 Jewish Nationalism = Zionism