1 Timothy 1:11, 19-20; 6:20-21; 2 Timothy 1:13-14; 2:2
“Besides relationships, what is your most cherished earthly possession?”
What U.S. adults say is their idea of the American Dream: Free to accomplish anything: 74 percent Free to say/do what they want: 68 percent Children financially better-off: 64 percent Being financially secure: 61 percent Anne R. Carey and Sam Ward, "What Adults Say Is Their Idea of the American Dream" USA Today (4-2-09)
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.List some of the background information for the writing of 1 Timothy. a. AuthorPaul b. Time FrameAD c. SituationPaul’s first imprisonment in Rome d. Written toTimothy, Paul’s apprentice e. ThemeGuard the Treasure (the glorious gospel)
DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.How did Paul trust Timothy to guard the treasure? (1 Timothy 1:18) He had mentored Timothy and knew that he would “fight the good fight” to protect the treasure.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What is the “Treasure”? (2 Timothy 1:8,10; 2:8) The glorious gospel
DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.What does it mean to be entrusted with the gospel today?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.How is salvation more than just escaping hell? Salvation includes increasing conformity to Christ’s character and a coming transformation of our physical bodies.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.Is sound doctrine all that is needed for a successful Christian walk? (1Timothy 1:5; 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:22) No, righteous living is also a requirement.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.What did Paul mean in (1 Timothy1:20) when he said he delivered the two men over to Satan? The two were excommunicated outside the body of believers because they were not speaking the truth about God’s gospel.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.What did Paul warn Timothy to avoid in (1 Timothy 6:20)? a. Worldly and empty chatter b. Arguments with false teachers
DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.How can you be prepared to deal with false teachers? a. Know the Bible b. Be aware of new false teaching c. Do not get into a debate with false teachers
DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What are some examples of false teachings that have crept into some churches? Prosperity gospel, universal spiritual gift of tongues, acceptance of practicing homosexuals into membership, infant baptism, etc.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.Do you know enough about the “treasure” to guard the treasure? If not, what can you do?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.According to (2 Timothy 1:14) who is our helpmate in guarding the treasure? The Holy Spirit
DISCUSSION GUIDE 13.How can the Holy Spirit help you guard the gospel? The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is both the mark of the true believer and the power to live out the Christian life. Living out the Christian life is what impacts others.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 14.What practice is mentioned in (2 Timothy 2:2) that helps guard the treasure for future generations? Teaching the gospel message from a qualified steward to another and on and on it goes.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 15.How can passing the treasure on be done in my: a. Family b. Church c. Neighborhood