Christians are to stand out from the world By being transformed from it, Rom. 12:1, 2 Takes education & training Takes effort & discipline Takes faith & courage
We lived in sin & separation from God, Rom. 3:23 Immorality, Rom. 1:24-32 Hypocrisy, Rom. 2:1-24
God extended mercy to us in His Son, Rom. 3:24-26 Deserved eternal punishment Just: cannot ignore sin Justifier: provided a means of justification
Our bodies & souls belong to God, 1 Cor. 6:18-20 Bought with the blood of Christ, Heb. 10:29 Not to use for sin Sexual immorality Tongue to lie Eyes to lust Body to stir lust in others
We are to use our bodies to serve God Fellow workers with God, 1 Cor. 3:9 Good works, Eph. 2:10 Light to the world, Mt. 5:16 Body is what connects the soul to this world Without the body, we are dead, Jas. 2:26 Instrument by which we serve God Holy, acceptable, w/o blemish
When carnally minded—spiritually dead, Rom. 8:5-8 Separated from God Fighting against God
To love the Father, not the world, 1 Jn. 2:15-17 Things of the world choke us, Lk. 8:14 World & its lusts are passing away Cannot love the Father & the world
People of the world are selfish, Gal. 5:19-21 Gratify base desires Focus on their pleasure Disregard others, cf. 1 Cor. 8:12, 13
The way we think is who we are, Prov. 23:7 Meditate on sinful things—sinful Live contrary to God’s will—unrighteous, 1 Jn. 3:10 Angry about the Bible’s teaching—sinners, Gal. 4:16
The way we think is who we are, Prov. 23:7 What do you watch on TV? What do you listen to in music? What do you read? What type of people do you associate with?
Examine our priorities & see who we are, Rom. 2:4-11 Hard-hearted & impenitent? Patient & diligent in seeking good?
To fix our failings we need to meditate on what is good, Phil. 4:8 Study Prayer Time with faithful Christians