German Unification Italian Unification France 3 rd Republic Austria Russia The Age of Nation States
WORTH: What was the Young Italy Movement? SUBJECT: Italian Unification MAIN This was the society that was established by Giuseppe Mazzini that sought to drive Austria from the Italian Peninsula.
WORTH: Who was Count Camillo Benso Cavour? (Also founded the Newspaper Il Risorgimento) He was the Prime Minister of Sardinia – Piedmont and used the ideas of Realpolotik to drive the Austrians out of northern Italy MAIN SUBJECT: Italian Unification
WORTH: What were Venetia, ( Venice and the area around Venice), and Rome and the Papal States added after the Franco Prussian War and the withdrawal of French troops? These were the last two areas that were added to Italy to complete the unification of the new Nation State MAIN SUBJECT: Italian Unification
WORTH: Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi (Known as the Red One, statues are dedicated to him in both Russia and New York City)? He was the swashbuckling leader of the Italian troops that drove the French from southern Italy and favored the establishment of a republican form of government MAIN SUBJECT: Italian Unification
WORTH: Who was Victor Emmanuel II ( He had a moustache that could pick up F.M. stations)? He was the former king of Sardinia who became the first King of a unified Italy and belonged to the House of Savoy MAIN SUBJECT: Italian Unification
WORTH: What was the Ems Dispatch? This was the letter that Bismarck edited that insulted Napoleon III and helped start the Franco-Prussian War MAIN SUBJECT: German Unification
WORTH: What were the Prussian-Danish War ( 1864), the Austro Prussian War – also known as the 7 Weeks War( 1866) and the Franco- Prussian War ( )? These were the three wars fought by Prussia that helped to unify Germany as a nation state MAIN SUBJECT: German Unification
WORTH: What was the Zollverein? This was the customs union that was the first step in German Unification, that excluded Austria but included most other German states MAIN SUBJECT: German Unification
WORTH: Who was Frederick William IV and William or Wilhelm I of Prussia? He was the Prussian King that was declared insane and the person that replaced him as the first Emperor or Kaiser of the new German State MAIN SUBJECT: German Unification
WORTH: What was the North German Confederation? This was the name given to the group of countries north of the Main River organized under Prussian leadership MAIN SUBJECT: German Unification
WORTH: What was France, Great Britain, and the Ottoman Empire against Russia and the Treaty was the Treaty of Paris of 1856? These were the participants in the Crimean War and the Treaty that ended the conflict MAIN SUBJECT: France -The 3 rd Republic
WORTH: What was the Battle of Sedan? This was the Battle that France lost in the Franco-Prussian and in which Napoleon III was captured MAIN SUBJECT: France -The 3 rd Republic
WORTH: What was the The Dreyfus Affair the sentencing of Alfred Dreyfus for Treason ? This was the greatest scandal for the French Third Republic which brought out deep rooted Anti- Semitism and a corrupt military and court system? MAIN SUBJECT: France -The 3 rd Republic
WORTH: Who was Adolphe Thiers ? This was the new Premiere of France, given executive power by the National Assembly and negotiated a truce with Prussia and ordered troops to attack Paris and the communards MAIN SUBJECT: France -The 3 rd Republic
WORTH: What was Archduke Maximilian of Austria? He was the Archduke of Austria who was installed in Mexico by Napoleon III and later caught and executed by the government of Benito Juarez MAIN SUBJECT: France -The 3 rd Republic
WORTH: Who was Francis Joseph I? He was the Hapsburg Emperor of Austria who reigned from 1848 until 1916 who reasserted absolutism in Austria after the Revolutions of SUBJECT: Austria-Hungary MAIN
WORTH: What was Ausgleich, negotiated by Francis Deak? This was the German word for the merging of Hungary and Austria into the Dual Monarchies and called the Compromise of MAIN SUBJECT: Austria-Hungary
WORTH: Who were the Bohemian Czechs? This was the national group within the Austrian – Hungarian Empire that opposed the Compromise of 1867 and favored a policy of trialism MAIN SUBJECT: Austria-Hungary
WORTH: What was Croatia? This was the area within the Hungarian kingdom that was allowed a considerable amount of autonomy MAIN SUBJECT: Austria-Hungary
WORTH: What was nationalism? Croats, Serbs, Slavs, Poles, Austrian- Germans, Jews, Turks, etc.) This was the force that tears the Austrian- Hungarian Empire apart and eventually leads to the first World War and the death of 18 million people MAIN SUBJECT: Austria-Hungary
WORTH: Who was Alexander II ? He was the Russian Czar who emancipates the serfs and reforms the judicial system, as well as allowing some self government in the zemstvos MAIN SUBJECT: Russia and Reform
WORTH: What was the “People’s Will” a radical branch of the Land and Freedom Society ? This was the terrorist group that was responsible for the death of Alexander II in a bomb explosion MAIN SUBJECT: Russia and Reform
WORTH: What was populism who sought a social revolution based on the communal life of the Russian peasant? This was the radical revolutionary movement spread by students into the country side where most were reported to the secret police and arrested MAIN SUBJECT: Russia and Reform
WORTH: What was Poland, where Alexander II, then attempted to Russify the area? This was the area of the Russian Empire that attempted to revolt in 1863 and was ruthlessly suppressed by Alexander II MAIN SUBJECT: Russia and Reform
WORTH: What was the Crimean War and the Treaty of Paris 1856? ( Everyone gets to use the Danube) This was the conflict that embarrassed the Russian government and revealed the problems of the Russian Military that was based on privilege and not merit MAIN SUBJECT: Russia and Reform