Mrs. DesMarais Bible and English Lesson # 3 God made – Our body
B,b The name of the letter The sound of the letter Big B, Little b
B, b b is for body God gave us a body.
Write the letter
Write the letter M,m
Write the letter A,a
Review Say the name of the letter: m Make the sound of m Read the word: made man me
Review Say the name of the letter: a Make the sounds of a Read the word: animal New word: Adam
b is for body Parts of the Body
God gave us a head. head
Our heads have hair. hair
My head has a face. face
God gave us eyes. We see with our eyes. eyes
God gave us a nose. We smell with our nose. nose
God gave us ears. We hear with our ears. ears
God gave us a mouth. We speak with our mouth. mouth
God gave us teeth. We chew with our teeth. teeth
God gave us arms. arms
Our arms have hands. hands
Our hands have fingers. fingers
God gave us legs. legs
Our legs have feet. feet
God gave us toes on our feet. toes
Bible Lesson - Review In the beginning: God created the heavens and the earth. God made the animals.
God made man He formed the body from the dust of the ground. He breathed into the body the breath of life. Man became a living soul.
Bible Verse The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
Song: “God Made Me” God made me In my Bible book it says that God made me.
Song: “God Made Me” God loves me In my Bible Book it says that God loves me.