Aviation and railway safety
Transportation sytems include road, rail, sea and air infrastructures THUS traffic psychologists study rail, sea and aviation safety and psychology as well as road traffic psychology.
What is aviation psychology? Focuses on pilot and flight crew behavior in order to increase flight safety. It deals with issues, such as: Control and management of human errors in accidents Training and selection of pilots Reducing stress and anxiety among flight crew and pilots Accident counseling Organizational attitudes and policy towards safety.. -It started late 1940’s with WW II
Railway Safety Role of different factors for safety of railway workers are also examined by some traffic psychologits Human errors Attention failures, procedural failures, lack of altertness Unsafe supervision to the workers Organizational influences Poor communication, lack of team work Lack of equipment
Journals in Traffic and Transportation Psychology Accident Analysis and Prevention Safety Science Traffic Injury Prevention Transportation Research Ergonomics Applied Ergonomics The International Journal of Aviation Psychology Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors ….
Post-graduate studies in Traffic and Transport Psychology in Turkey Traffic and Transportation Psychology M.S. Program - METU program