Christ, Our Priest
One Lord, many roles Hb.1:1-3 Hb.2:17, merciful, faithful High Priest “Spoken to us” – Prophet “ Purged our sins ” – Priest “Right hand of Majesty” – King Priest : one who can offer sacrifices that God will accept
I. Christ, Our Priest
Do we need a Priest? Sin separates from God, Gn.3; Is.59 Man needs a way back OT sacrifices could restore God’s favor Animal blood: provisional forgiveness, not actual ♦ Animal blood: provisional forgiveness, not actual OT priesthood points to Christ
Blood sacrifices * Gn.4, first recorded blood sacrifice. Hb.11:4 * Ex.12, passover lamb * Lv.1:10, male w/o blemish, kill (11) * Is.53:7, sacrificial Lamb
Type-Antitype OT Priests Christ Not unclean, Lv.21:9…Holy, Hb.7:26 Consecrated, Ex.29:4…Mt.3; Hb.9:26 Atonement, Lv.16Only one, Hb.9:7-14 Tabernacle, Hb.9:6-7Church, Hb.10:21 Judge, Ps.82:6Authority, Mt.28:18 Successors, Hb.7:23Lives, Hb.7:24, 28
The Branch *Zec.6:13 *Ps.110:4 Hb.7:…11, 15 Priestthrone Priest on throne afterMelchizedek If perfection came by Levitical priesthood, why need another priest after Melchizedek?
Jesus could not be priest on earth *Hb.7:12-14; 8:4 *Great High Priest (Hb.4:14) over house of God (10:21) 1. Tempted, w/o sin, Hb.4:15 2. Mercy, Hb.4: Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2 So what?
1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15) * Sympathetic Only He who resists temptation to the end knows its full weight Being tempted, He sympathizes Being sinless, He pleads
1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15) 2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16) *Mercy when we need it most Forgiveness of sins Pity for wretched Undeserved favor
1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15) 2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16) 3. Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2 * Intercession: petitioning God (praying) on behalf of another Moses for Israel, Nu.14: God knew everything Moses told Him 2. God must be asked. Mt.6:8; 7: God loves; wants to forgive. Ps.86:5
1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15) 2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16) 3. Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2 * One who appears in another’s behalf, mediator, intercessor, helper (Hb.7:25; 9:24) Lk.22:31-34 Satan prays (asks) for Peter Peter casts deciding vote (Lk.23:34) Jesus inter- cedes (asks) for Peter
sat down Jesus sat down in heaven, Hb.8:1 ●Not rest, 10:12... →power (8:1) →petition (7:25) ministertruetabernacle 8:2 – minister... true tabernacle 1 Hb.8:5, heavenly 2 Hb.9:11, good things ‘that have come’ 3 Hb.9:14, blood that purges… ministertruetabernacle 8:2 – minister... true tabernacle 1 Hb.8:5, heavenly 2 Hb.9:11, good things ‘that have come’ 3 Hb.9:14, blood that purges…
I. Christ, Our Priest II. Christ Sacrifices Himself
Self-sacrifice Mk.10:45, substitution (Gn.22:13) His suffering for ours Jn.1:29, Lamb ‘of God’ – Priest is also sacrifice (sin-offering) Ro.3:25-26, propitiation – a means of expiation (satisfaction) Phinehas Num.25 Phinehas Num.25 Cap. punishment Num.35 Cap. punishment Num.35
Sin (justice) demands satisfaction Christ’s death: propitiatory sacrifice First effect: satisfies holiness/wrath Sacrifice not necessary because God is disinclined to love sinners Lv.16:21-22Is.53:5-6 He He gave Jesus as propitiation to satisfy justice. Ro.3:25; Jn.1:29; 3:16; Hb.2:10
I. Christ, Our Priest III. Is Christ Your Priest? II. Christ Sacrifices Himself
Satan, God, Jesus Ro.8:33 Rv.1:5-6 1 Pt.2:9 Satan accuses Jesus died, was raised, now advocates / intercedes God justifies OT priests Jesus, High Priest Christians, priests
Conclusion Jesus, King: 1. Jesus, King: all powerful to save Power alone not enough Jesus, Priest: 2. Jesus, Priest: sacrificed to save Unjust to forgive w/o satisfying law Requires sacrifice