File Upload Competitive Analysis
Catalyst - Browse in-line Of interest:
Catalyst - Browse; can choose multiples using keyboard shortcuts Of interest: Can choose multiples
Catalyst - after upload; Of interest: No image preview in this case. The image is uploaded but remove is easily seen and accessed. If the user uploads the wrong the image they only need to remove and browse again.
Catalyst - entire profile saved Of interest: The saved widget is is nice an small and has good visuals with the green color & checkmark -- both metaphors for “safe”, “done”, “good”, “ready to go”
Collabtech for libraries - chose “insert image” in the wysiwyg editor Of interest: Can browse or choose from files already uploaded in app -- similar to current Sakai file picker Image preview is good feedback that I’ve grabbed the file I think I have or the file with this name is the one I think it is How would you choose multiple files? Could we have an image preview that allows users to move through the multiples being uploaded
Of interest: Image preview available This is 2 step process like our file picker. I first uploaded this file then I have to say insert. Good that the filename has some visual pop so I can see it’s there Initial reaction is why make the user go through 2 steps. By clicking on the insert image icon they already said insert the image I choose. On the other hand, this give them some indication that not only is the image inserted in this page but it is also added to the repository. Collabtech for libraries - chose image to upload and this is the next step to now say to insert it in the page.
Collabtech for libraries - chose attach file from wysiwyg editor Of interest: Can browse or choose from files already uploaded in app -- similar to current Sakai file picker Shorcut keys allow for choosing multiple files in either the explorer window that opens or from the list of files already in system
Main flickr page for my photos - clicking on the file name allows user to rename. Of interest: Display and edit of title same field that turns into edit when the user needs it to. Everything happens on the client side. No page reloading. Shows information below the description in limited form and users can click on the links for more info or to make one click changes. The “See Flickr…” message and corresponding note about the message going away could be useful for the discovery note we have in the lightbox now.
Of interest: Editable in-line No page reload Main Flickr “my photos” page - Description is also editable in-line.
Of interest: Multi-step indicator Design pattern used -- give user context of the whole process and where they are in it. The current step is the only link available so it walks them through the process. Space info is displayed as the user is uploading which is when it’s most important. It’s shown in % used which is a number much more familiar to users than MBs. Flickr web upload - click on the “choose photos” link to get your file manager
Of interest: Can browse or choose from files already uploaded in app -- similar to current Sakai file picker Shortcut keys allow for choosing multiple files in either the explorer window that opens or from the list of files already in system Flickr web uploader - clicking the previous link gives user access to their computer’s files.
Of interest: User can see what files they’ve chosen to upload before uploading. Does the filename really tell me much? In this case it doesn’t but with art historian images perhaps. Note: The art historians we talked to had ill named image files on their computers Extras on Demand pattern being used. They show users the basic settings and allow them to see more if they want Allow them adjust settings on the entire group which makes sense since they likely have some connection if they are being uploaded together. Flickr web upload - view of the file I chose from my computer.
Of interest: Visual “progress” indicators for uploading. The red line in top circle shows upload progress on the particular item. The larger circled box shows progress generally (no progress is showing yet) Messages about the uploader tools are displayed while user is the mode of uploading. Flickr web upload - after selecting upload user is seeing progress
Flickr Uploadr - Available from from my apps folder or from my desktop (shortcut automatically created) Of interest: Easy one time download of client app that is simple -- basically used to drag and drop images for upload Automatically asks and walks user through download
Flickr uploader - after opening from desktop icon or finder Of interest:
Flickr Uploadr - successful login Of interest:
Flickr Uploader - Individual photo view (initial by default) Of interest:
Of interest: Various batch settings available: privacy, safety, type Tag and/or add to a photoset the entire batch being uploaded together Can create a new photoset to put pictures in that are being uploaded Flickr Uploadr - Batch tab
Of interest: Flickr uploadr - after dragging image into stream
Of interest: Asks about resizing large images. They must have some standard sizes that make sense for web viewing and anything outside those parameters are flagged and user is asked about. Would be good to have a preference setting if user always wants them resized they don’t have to answer this question everytime. Examples of what each size is best for: description for experts and non and perhaps teaches non-experts about different sizes of digital images. This is good for Eileen since she’s just moving into the realm of digital iimages. Flickr Uploadr - After choosing upload?
Flickr Uploader - upload successful Of interest: After upload user can easily change or add to title, description and tags while seeing the thumbnails. Batch tag information is displayed so from workflow perspective user can batch tag in the uploader and then start adding individual context to the images here. Performance was great here.
Old Flickr - On opening uploadr Of interest: Simple They have since added the ability to change settings and add information at this stage. It would be good to find out why. I like the ability to batch tag -- really makes sense. After user enters authZ info once, the uploadr automatically logs them in. Same with the current version. Can do some basic rotation so images actually get put in the app with the correct orientation Drag and drop!
Old flickr - dragged pics into uploadr Of interest:
Old flickr - after choosing images to upload Of interest: In new version these settings are all on the same page as the drag and drop pane.
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Of interest: Smart folders - folders get created automatically based on the type of files being uploaded (eg. For pics it makes sense to have them organized by date). User can create their own custom folders An image can live in multiple folders - more like tags Can share playlists with others Itunes
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