Text 16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Framework Part I. Dependency Injection Buenos Aires, May 2009.
16 de mayo de 2009 Contents The problem The Spring Framework Dependency Injection DI Best Practices
16 de mayo de 2009 Contents The problem The Spring Framework Dependency Injection DI Best Practices
16 de mayo de 2009 Working with dependencies public class DataProcessor { public void processData() { DataSource source = new DataSource(); List dataList = source.getDataList(); for(Data data : dataList) { System.out.println(data); } - DataProcessor gets the data from a class DataSource. DataProcessor process the data (print it out). The DataProcessor is the client for the DataSource service. - DataSource gets the data from a source, for example an XML file. -Data has only one String property: “info”. -Important: is the class DataSource, and how we connect the dependency between the DataProcessor and a particular DataSource.
16 de mayo de 2009 Working with dependencies What happends if now I wish to change the data source, from an XML file to a database or a web service? What could be changed in the design to avoid coupling between DataProcessor and DataSource? If I change the data source, I have to modify the method processData also… public class DataProcessor { public void processData() { DbDataSource source = new DbDataSource(); List dataList = source.getDataList(); for(Data data : dataList) { System.out.println(data); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Refactor to interface public class DataProcessor { private DataSource source; public DataProcessor() { source = new DataSourceDbImpl(); } public void processData() { List dataList = source.getDataList(); for(Data data : dataList) { System.out.println(data); } public interface DataSource { List getDataList(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Refactor to interface Using an interface is enough to avoid coupling? Now DataProcessor has a dependence on the interface DataSource and the implementation DataSourceDbImpl. DataProcessor uses the interface, and has to create the implementation class. Again, the design is very coupled. Better would be if it has only dependence on the interface. The problem is: how, when, and where should we create the instances of an object dependences?
16 de mayo de 2009 Passing the DataSource service implementation as a constructor parameter to the DataProcessor. Changing this client: To this one: But we have now the dependece in the client… It’s a new problem. Solution 1 – Using a Constructor public class Client3 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataSource source = new DataSourceDbImpl(); DataProcessor processor = new DataProcessor(source); processor.processData(); } public class Client1 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataProcessor processor = new DataProcessor(); processor.processData(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Create an abstract factory to build the data sources. We can create an interface DataProcessorFactory with many implementations, depending on the DataSource to be used. If we want a database data source, the new client should be changed to this: But now we need many concrete factories, one per each dependence combination. And also now is a new dependence between the client and the concrete factory.. The dependency problem is now again in the client. Solution 2 – Abstract Factory Patter public class Client4 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataProcessorFactory factory = new DataProcessorFactoryDbImpl(); DataSource source = factory.createDataSource(); DataProcessor processor = new DataProcessor(source); processor.processData(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 We will have the same problem with the service locator pattern. We pass a parameter in the constructor, indicanting the concrete data service. The DataProcessor uses a service locator to find the concrete instance and set the data source: source = ServiceLocator.getDataSource(dataSource); Now we have a dependece with the ServiceLocator class in each class that have dependences. Also we have “harcoded” the kind of data source we want in the client, the client is coupled with the data source. Solution 3 – Service Locator Pattern public class Client5 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataProcessor processor = new DataProcessor(ServiceLocator.DB); processor.processData(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Solution 4 – Plugin Pattern It’s there a way to depend only on the interfaces, and indicate the implementations in runtime? Plugin Pattern: “Links classes during configuration rather than compilation”. (PEAA). This with reduce the coupling, and help testability, reusability, and flexibility. How could we assemble the different objects in an application? We should “inject” the dependences, the concrete classes in the interfaces, but during configuration (runtime) rather than compilation. Uses a new Asembler object.
16 de mayo de 2009 Dependency Injection The Assembler knows DataProcessor (the client), DataSource (the service interface) and DataSourceDbImpl (the service implementation). It then will create an instance of DataSourceDbImpl and “inject” that instance in the DataProcessor.
16 de mayo de 2009 Dependency Injection This is the Assembler code and the new client: public class Assembler { public static DataProcessor createDataProcessor() { DataSource source = new DataSourceDbImpl(); // setter dependency injection DataProcessor processor = new DataProcessor(); processor.setSource(source); // constructor dependency injection DataProcessor processor2 = new DataProcessor(source); return processor; } public class Client6 { public static void main(String[] args) { DataProcessor processor = Assembler.createDataProcessor(); processor.processData(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Dependency Injection The Assembler is the object that “connects” the dependeces. Instead of our code looking for them (passing them by constructors, using factories, or a service locator), now is the Assembler code that knows about the dependences, and connects them in run time. This is also called “inversion of control”, the control flow of the application is managed by the framework (in this case the Assembler). DI is a kind of IoC. If we put the information about the dependecies in a configuration file (metadata), and name this assembler class as “Bean Factory”, we have the core of the Spring Framework.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Dependency Injection Reading SpringConfig.xml and using reflections, Spring creates DataProcessor and its dependences.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Dependency Injection The dependences are defined as “beans” in a configuration file: And this is the new client code: public class Client7 { public static void main(String[] args) { Resource resource = new FileSystemResource("SpringConfig.xml"); BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource); DataProcessor processor = (DataProcessor) factory.getBean("dataProcessor"); processor.processData(); }
16 de mayo de 2009 Contents The problem The Spring Framework Dependency Injection DI Best Practices
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Framework history First version written by Rod Johnson, released with the publication of his book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development in October 2002 Started 2002/2003 by Rod Johnson and Juergen Holler Spring 1.0 – Released March 2004 Spring 1.2 – March 2005 Spring 2.0 – October 2006 Spring 2.5 – November 2007 Spring 3.0 – Final release in 2009
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Mission Statement We believe that: J2EE should be easier to use It is best to program to interfaces, rather than classes. Spring reduces the complexity cost of using interfaces to zero. JavaBeans offer a great way of configuring applications. OO design is more important than any implementation technology, such as J2EE. Checked exceptions are overused in Java. A platform shouldn't force you to catch exceptions you're unlikely to be able to recover from. Testability is essential, and a platform such as Spring should help make your code easier to test. Our philosophy is summarized in “Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development” by Rod Johnson. We aim that: Spring should be a pleasure to use Your application code should not depend on Spring APIs Spring should not compete with good existing solutions, but should foster integration. (For example, JDO, Toplink, and Hibernate are great O/R mapping solutions. We don't need to develop another one.)
16 de mayo de 2009 What is Spring Framework? Spring is a lightweight, dependency injection and aspect-oriented container and framework. Lightweight: – In terms of both size and overhead. – Entire framework can be distributed in single JAR file (2.8MB) – Processing overhead required is negligible – Also, it’s non intrusive: objects have no dependency on Spring specific classes Dependency Injection: – Promotes loose coupling through use of DI – Instead of an object looking up dependencies from a container, the container gives the dependencies to the object at instantiation without waiting to be asked
16 de mayo de 2009 What is Spring Framework? Aspect-oriented : – Enables cohesive development by separating application business logic from system services (cross-cutting concerns). – Application objects focus on business logic not other system concerns such as logging, transaction management, etc. Container: – It contains and manages the life cycle of application objects. – You can declare how each object should be created, configured, and associated with each other. Framework: – Provides infrastructure functionality (transaction management, persistence framework integration, etc.), leaving the development of application to you. – Spring makes it possible to configure and compose complex applications from simpler components.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 1. Spring Core module – It’s the most fundamental part of the framework and provides Dependency Injection features – Defines how beans are created, configured, and managed—more of the nuts-and- bolts of Spring. – Here you’ll find Spring’s BeanFactory, the heart of any Spring-based application
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 2. Spring Context module – The core module’s BeanFactory makes Spring a container, but the context module is what makes it a framework. – Build on the solid base provided by the Core and Beans modules. – Adds support for internationalization (I18N), event-propagation, resource-loading, and the transparent creation of contexts by, for example, a servlet container. – Supplies support for some Java EE features EJB, JMX, , and remoting.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 3. Spring AOP module – Provides an AOP Alliance-compliant aspect-oriented programming implementation – Serves as the basis for developing your own aspects for your Spring-enabled application. – Ensures interoperability between Spring and other Java AOP frameworks – Supports metadata programming (aspects can be configured using annotations)
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 4. Spring DAO module – Working with JDBC often results in a lot of boilerplate code: gets a connection, creates a statement, processes a result set, and closes the connection. – Abstracts away the boilerplate code and prevents problems that result from a failure to close database resources – Also build a layer of meaningful runtime exceptions on top of the errors given by database servers – Uses Spring AOP module to provide Transaction management services
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 5. Spring ORM module – Provide integration with several popular ORM frameworks, including Hibernate, JPA, JDO, and iBATIS SQL Maps. – Spring’s transaction management supports each of these ORM frameworks as well as JDBC.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 6. Spring Web module – Builds on the application context module. – Support for several web-oriented tasks as multipart file uploads and programmatic binding of request parameters to your business objects. – Integration support with Struts and JSF.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Modules 7. Spring MVC module – Spring’s MVC framework: promotes Spring’s loosely coumpled techniques in the web layer.
16 de mayo de 2009 Distribution JAR files spring (~2870 KB): convenient jar file combining all standard modules (except for the test module and the Spring MVC support) spring-core (~280 KB): core abstractions and utilities, source-level metadata support, repackaged ASM library spring-beans (~480 KB): JavaBeans support, bean container spring-context (~465 KB): application context, JNDI, JMX, instrumentation, remoting, scripting, scheduling, validation- spring-aop (~320 KB): AOP framework spring-context-support (~95 KB): Quartz and CommonJ scheduling, UI templating, mail, caching spring-jdbc (~330 KB): JDBC support spring-tx (~225 KB): transaction infrastructure, JCA support, DAO support spring-orm (~370 KB): JDO support, JPA support, Hibernate support, TopLink support, iBATIS support spring-jms (~190 KB): JMS 1.0.2/1.1 support spring-web (~190 KB): web application context, multipart resolver, HTTP-based remoting support spring-webmvc (~395 KB): framework servlets, web MVC framework, web controllers, web views spring-webmvc-portlet (~150 KB): framework portlets, portlet MVC framework, portlet controllers spring-webmvc-struts (~35 KB): Struts 1.x action support, Tiles 1.x view support spring-test (~180 KB): test context framework, JUnit support, JNDI mocks, Servlet API mocks, Portlet API mocks
16 de mayo de 2009 The Spring Triangle Spring is essentially a technology dedicated to enabling you to build applications using POJOs.
16 de mayo de 2009 Contents The problem The Spring Framework Dependency Injection DI Best Practices
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring IoC/DI Container
16 de mayo de 2009 BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Container Two types of containers – bean factory simplest of containers, providing basic support for DI. To retrieve a bean from a BeanFactory, call the getBean() method, passing the ID of the bean you want to retrieve: MyBean myBean = (MyBean) factory.getBean("myBean"); When getBean() is called, the factory will instantiate the bean and set the bean’s properties (lazy loading) – application context build on the notion of a bean factory by providing application framework services, such as the ability to resolve textual messages from a properties file and the ability to publish application events to interested event listeners. An application context preloads all singleton beans upon context startup. Types of injection: – Constructor injection – Setter injection Bean scoping: singleton (single instance, the default), prototype (once instance per use), request, session, global-sesion.
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Container The dependences are defined as “beans” in a configuration file: Using the Spring Factory: Using Application Context: Resource resource = new FileSystemResource("SpringConfig.xml"); BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource); DataProcessor processor = (DataProcessor) factory.getBean("dataProcessor"); ApplicationContext ctx = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("SpringConfig.xml"); DataProcessor processor = (DataProcessor) ctx.getBean("dataProcessor");
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Container Externalizing the confituration – If you use an Application Context container, you can enable the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer feature, to tell Spring to load certain configuration from an external property file. – To enable this feature, configure the following bean: – And use them in the beans jdbc.properties security.properties
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Container Example: – For the JDBC properties in jdbc.properties: – And then, the data source bean: database.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver database.username=myUser database.password=myPassword
16 de mayo de 2009 Spring Container Why... bean? – The motivation for using the name 'bean', as opposed to 'component' or 'object' is rooted in the origins of the Spring Framework itself (it arose partly as a response to the complexity of Enterprise JavaBeans). BeanFactory or ApplicationContext? – A BeanFactory pretty much just instantiates and configures beans. – An ApplicationContext also does that, and it provides the supporting infrastructure to enable lots of enterprise-specific features such as transactions and AOP. – In short, favor the use of an ApplicationContext. Constructor- or Setter-based DI? – The Spring team generally advocates the usage of setter injection. – Easy management of optional properties, setters are inherited, not many constructors.
16 de mayo de 2009 Contents The problem The Spring Framework Dependency Injection DI Best Practices
16 de mayo de 2009 Best Practices Avoid using autowiring Sacrifices the explicitness and maintainability of the configurations. <bean id="orderService" class="com.spring.OrderService" autowire="byName"/> Use naming conventions You can follow the Java class field name convention. The bean ID for an instance of OrderServiceDAO would be orderServiceDAO. Use shortcut forms Is less verbose, since it moves property values and references from child elements into attributes. tcs
16 de mayo de 2009 Best Practices Reuse bean definitions, if possible A child bean definition can inherit configuration information from its parent bean, which essentially serves as a template for the child beans. Use ids as bean identifiers You can specify either an id or name as the bean identifier, using ids can leverage the XML parser to validate the bean references. Prefer setter injection over constructor injection Constructor injection can ensure that a bean cannot be constructed in an invalid state, but setter injection is more flexible and manageable, especially when the class has multiple properties and some of them are optional. Do not abuse dependency injection Not all Java objects should be created through dependency injection. As an example, domain objects should not be created through ApplicationContext. Overuse of dependency injection will make the XML configuration more complicated and bloated. With IDEs such as Eclipse Java code is much easier to read, maintain, and manage than XML files.
16 de mayo de 2009 Best Practices Don’t place all your beans in one xml file Split the configuration in different xml files, long xml files are hard to read. Minimal one xml file per architectural layer, for example applicationContext-dao.xml, applicationContext-service.xml, etc. Use Spring IDE plug-in Basically, makes Spring’s XMLs manipulation human friendly. Some features are: – XML editor for Spring beans configuration files, allows to navigate the beans – Incremental builder which validates all modified Spring bean config files defined in a Spring project. – Java refactorings for Bean class rename and move and property rename – View which displays a tree with all Spring projects and their Spring bean config files – Image decorator which decorates all Spring projects, their bean config files and all Java classes which are used as bean classes – Graph which shows all beans (and their relationships) defined in a single config file or a config set – Extension of Eclipse's search facility to search for beans – Wizard for creating a new Spring project
16 de mayo de 2009 Best Practices
16 de mayo de Thank You