Chapter 6 Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 6 Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Objectives Explain the merge process Use the Mail Merge task pane and the Mailings tab on the Ribbon Use a letter template as the main document for a mail merge Create and edit a data source Insert merge fields in a main document Use an IF field in a main document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Objectives Merge and print form letters Select records to merge Sort data records Address and print mailing labels and envelopes Change page orientation Merge all data records to a directory Convert text to a table Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Project – Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
General Project Guidelines Identify the main document for the form letter Create or specify the data source Compose the main document for the form letter Merge the main document with the data source to create the form letters Generate mailing labels and envelopes Create a directory of the data source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Identifying the Main Document for the Form Letter Using the Mail Merge Task Pane Click the Start Mail Merge button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Start Mail Merge menu Click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard on the Start Mail Merge menu to display Step 1 of the Mail Merge wizard in the Mail Merge task pane Click the Next: Starting document link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 2 of the Mail Merge wizard, which requests you select a starting document Click ‘Start from a template’ in the ‘Select starting document’ area and then click the Select template link to display the Select Template dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Identifying the Main Document for the Form Letter Using the Mail Merge Task Pane Click the desired template in the Select Template dialog box Click the OK button to display a letter in the document window that is based on the selected template Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a Folder while Saving Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar Type the desired file name in the File name text box Navigate to the desired location for the new folder Click the New folder button to display a new folder icon with the name New folder selected in the dialog box Type the desired folder name, and then press the ENTER key to create the new folder Click the Open button to open the selected folder Click the Save button to save the current document in the selected folder on the selected drive Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a Folder while Saving Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a New Data Source Click the Next: Select recipients link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 3 of the Mail Merge wizard, which requests you select recipients Click ‘Type a new list’ in the Select recipients area, which displays the ‘Type a new list’ area Click the Create link to display the New Address List dialog box Click the Customize Columns button to display the Customize Address List Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a New Data Source Add, delete, and rename fields as necessary in the Customize Address List dialog box To move fields around, select the field, and then click the Move Up or Move Down button, as desired Click the OK button to close the Customize Address List dialog box, which positions the insertion point in the first text box for the first record (row) in the New Address List dialog box Type the information for the first record, pressing the TAB key after entering each field After entering the first record, click the New Entry button to enter a new record Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a New Data Source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Creating a New Data Source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Saving a Data Source when Prompted by Word When you click the OK button in the New Address List dialog box, Word displays the Save Address List dialog box so that you can save the data source Type the desired file name in the File name text box as the name for the data source Navigate to the desired save location for the data source Click the Save button to save the data source in the selected folder using the entered file name and then display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Click the OK button to close the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Saving a Data Source when Prompted by Word Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Entering the Date Click the date content control to select it and then click its box arrow to display a calendar Scroll through the calendar months until the desired month appears Click the desired date in the calendar to select the date Click outside the content control to deselect it Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Entering the Date Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Viewing Merged Data in the Main Document Click the Preview Results button (Mailings tab | Preview Results group) to display the values in the current data record, instead of the merge fields Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Editing the AddressBlock Merge Field Right-click the AddressBlock merge field to select it and display a shortcut menu and the Mini toolbar Click Edit Address Block on the shortcut menu to display the Modify Address Block dialog box Scroll through the list of recipient name formats and then click the desired format If necessary, click the Match Fields button to set the correct fields in the data source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Editing the AddressBlock Merge Field Click ‘Remember this matching for this set of data sources on this computer’ to place a check mark in the check box Click the OK button to close the dialog box Click the OK button to modify the address block format Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Editing the AddressBlock Merge Field Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Editing the GreetingLine Merge Field Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Inserting a Merge Field in the Main Document Click the Insert Merge Field button arrow (Mailings tab | Write & Insert Fields group) to display the Insert Merge Field menu Click the desired field to insert on the Insert Merge Field menu to insert the selected field at the location of the insertion point Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Inserting a Merge Field in the Main Document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Inserting an IF Field in the Main Document Click the Rules button (Mailings tab | Write & Insert Fields group) to display the Rules menu Click If...Then...Else on the Rules menu to display the Insert Word Field: IF dialog box Click the Field name box arrow to display the list of fields in the data source Scroll through the list of fields in the Field name list and then click the desired field to compare Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Inserting an IF Field in the Main Document Select the desired comparison operation Type the text to compare in the Compare to text box Type the desired text if the condition is true as the true text Type the desired text if the condition is false as the false text Click the OK button to insert the IF field at the location of the insertion point Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Inserting an IF Field in the Main Document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Displaying a Field Code Right-click the field result to display a shortcut menu Click Toggle Field Codes on the shortcut menu to display the field code instead of the field results for the field Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Previewing the Merged Letters Click the Next: Preview your letters link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 5 of the Mail Merge wizard in the Mail Merge task pane Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging the Form Letters to a New Document Click the Next: Complete the merge link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 6 of the Mail Merge wizard in the Mail Merge task pane Click the ‘Edit individual letters’ link in the Mail Merge task pane to display the Merge to New Document dialog box If necessary, click All so that all records in the data source are merged Click the OK button to merge the letters to a new document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging the Form Letters to a New Document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging the Form Letters to the Printer Click the Finish & Merge button (Mailings tab | Finish group) to display the Finish & Merge menu Click Print Documents to display the Merge to Printer dialog box If necessary, click All and then click the OK button to display the Print dialog box Click the OK button to print the separate letters Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging the Form Letters to the Printer Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Selecting Records to Merge Click the Edit Recipient List button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Display the desired field by which you wish to filter Click the button arrow to the right of the field name to display sort and filter criteria for the selected field Type the desired text to filter by Click the OK button to close the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Selecting Records to Merge Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Removing a Merge Condition Click the Edit Recipient List button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Click the Filter link to display the Filter and Sort dialog box If necessary, click the Filter Records tab to display the Filter Records sheet Click the Clear All button Click the OK button in each of the two open dialog boxes to remove the merge condition Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Removing a Merge Condition Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Sorting the Data Records in a Data Source Click the Edit Recipient List button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Click the button arrow to the right of the field to sort Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the menu to sort the data source records Click the Ok button to close the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Sorting the Data Records in a Data Source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Finding and Displaying Data Click the Find Recipient button (Mailings tab | Preview Results group) to display the Find Entry dialog box Type the desired search text in the Find text box Click the Find Next button to display the record containing the entered text Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Finding and Displaying Data Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Open the Backstage view. Click the New tab in the Backstage view to display the New gallery. With Blank document selected, click the Create button to open a new blank document window Display the Mailings tab. Click the Start Mail Merge button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard on the Start Mail Merge menu to display Step 1 of the Mail Merge wizard in the Mail Merge task pane Click Labels in the ‘Select document type’ area to specify labels as the main document type Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Click the Next: Starting document link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 2 of the Mail Merge wizard In the Mail Merge task pane, click the Label options link to display the Label Options dialog box Select the label vendor and product number Click the OK button to display the selected label layout as the main document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source If gridlines are not displayed, click the View Table Gridlines button to show gridlines Click the Next: Select recipients link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 3 of the Mail Merge wizard, which allows you to select the data source If necessary, click ‘Use an existing list’ in the Select recipients area Click the Browse link to display the Select Data Source dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Navigate to the location of the data source Click the file name for the desired data source Click the Open button to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box Click the OK button to close the dialog box At the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane, click the Next: Arrange your labels link to display Step 4 of the Mail Merge wizard in the Mail Merge task pane In the Mail Merge task pane, click the Address block link to display the Insert Address Block dialog box Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Click the OK button to close the dialog box and insert the AddressBlock merge field in the first label of the main document Click the ‘Update all labels’ button in the Mail Merge task pane to copy the layout of the first label to the remaining label layouts in the main document Click the Next: Preview your labels link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 5 of the Mail Merge wizard, which shows a preview of the mailing labels in the document window Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Display the Page Layout tab, change the Spacing Before and After boxes to 0 pt, and then click anywhere to remove the selection Click the Next: Complete the merge link at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane to display Step 6 of the Mail Merge wizard In the Mail Merge task pane, click the Print link to display the Merge to Printer dialog box If necessary, click All so that all records in the data source will be included in the merge Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Insert a sheet of blank mailing labels in the printer Click the OK button to display the Print dialog box Click the OK button to print the mailing labels Click the Close button at the right edge of the Mail Merge task pane Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Addressing and Printing Mailing Labels Using an Existing Data Source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Changing Page Orientation Click the Page Orientation button (Page Layout tab | Page Setup group) to display the Page Orientation gallery Click the desired orientation Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging to a Directory Click the Start Mail Merge button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Start Mail Merge menu Click Directory on the Start Mail Merge menu to select the main document type Click the Select Recipients button (Mailings tab | Start Mail Merge group) to display the Select Recipients menu Click Use Existing List on the Select Recipients menu to display the Select Data Source dialog box If necessary, navigate to the location of the data source Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging to a Directory Click the desired file name Click the Open button to associate the selected data source with the current main document Click the Insert Merge Field button arrow (Mailings tab | Write & Insert Fields group) to display the Insert Merge Field menu Click the desired field on the Insert Merge Field menu to insert the merge field in the document Repeat the previous step for the remaining merge fields Press the ENTER key Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Merging to a Directory Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Converting Text to a Table Press CTRL+A to select the entire document, because you want all document contents to be converted to a table Click the Table button (Insert tab | Tables group) to display the Table gallery Click Convert Text to Table in the Table gallery to display the Convert Text to Table dialog box Type the desired number of columns If desired, click AutoFit to window If necessary, click the desired way the merge fields are separated Click the OK button to convert the selected text to a table Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Converting Text to a Table Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Sorting a Table by Multiple Columns Click the Sort button (Table Tools Layout tab | Data group) to display the Sort dialog box Click the Sort by box arrow; scroll to and then click the desired field by which to sort If necessary, select the desired fields in the Then by boxes Specify whether the first row is a header row Click the OK button Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Sorting a Table by Multiple Columns Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Chapter Summary Explain the merge process Use the Mail Merge task pane and the Mailings tab on the Ribbon Use a letter template as the main document for a mail merge Create and edit a data source Insert merge fields in a main document Use an IF field in a main document Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Chapter Summary Merge and print form letters Select records to merge Sort data records Address and print mailing labels and envelopes Change page orientation Merge all data records to a directory Convert text to a table Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory
Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 6 Complete