Users’ Office News Doris Chromek-Burckhart Head of Users Office New Users’ Office Web Pages Release of Pre-Registration Tool in July 2014 Insurance for MpAs see presentation by Pierre Bonnal Team Leaders 25 th anniversary of the Users’ Office
New Users’ Office Web pages New Web technology Content: relevant information for all registration questions welcome service information for the User Aim for clarity and ease of access to relevant information for the diverse User community remote first time user long term CERN users administrative services at CERN and beyond administrative scope: USER, COAS, VISC In Drupal following new CERN standards ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
Releasae of the Pre-Registration Tool (PRT) PRT was released on 17 th of July 2014 Our special thanks go to the CERN management, the PH management, and the GS department for providing resources for the development of the tool and to GS-AIS-HR PRT is available for the Pre-Registration of new USERs, Cooperation Associates and Visiting scientists before their arrival at CERN PRT cannot be used for Contract Extension and Change of Institute (different databases); EDH continues to be the relevant tool for contract extensions PRT was introduced to ease further the registration at CERN and to help minimizing delays for the newcomer that could occur due to incomplete documents when registering and in being granted access to the site and to computing resources. ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
Advantages of PRT Personal data and relevant documents can be provided by the newcomer electronically. The Team Leader can sign electronically via the tool and their signature is binding for the registration. Pre-registration via the PRT tool replaces the paper Registration Form. The Users’ Office verifies the data and documents prior to the person’s arrival at CERN. Once having arrived at CERN the registration time in the Users’ Office is largely reduced. The Team Leader can nominate a trusted person to help future team members in pre-registering. Personal data can be provided by the newcomer. ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
Status of PRT We have received very positive feed-back from Institutes and Team Leaders. PRT has 120 entries so far. Further details are on the Users’ Office Web site for PRTUsers’ Office Web site for PRT ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
Health Insurance for Users See presentation by Pierre Bonnal Once CERN accepts the proposal of the insurance company, it will communicate the insurance to the Users’ Community and other Associated Members of the Personnel Dedicated to all current Users and toTeam Leaders Update on the Users’ Office Web Page on Health Insurance ‘Hot News’ entry on the first page of the Users’ Office Flyers and Posters ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
Team Leaders A Team Leaders or Deputy Team Leader must be a Member of the Personnel at CERN; commonly a Team Leader is a USER The role of a Team Leader is coupled to the contract with CERN But182 Team Leaders have the status EXMP ; this means that we cannot communicate with these Team Leaders. 305 Team Leaders are Experiment Participants. Institutes must insure that their Team Leaders have a valid contract with CERN. Together with the experimental secretariats the Users’ Office will follow these cases up Your help would be greatly appreciated ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart
25 th Years of the Users’ Office All ACCU member are invited to a drink to celebrate the 25 th anniversary of the Users’ Office in the afternoon before the next ACCU meeting Monday 1 st of December More details will be included in an invitation sent closer to the date. ACCU Meeting 9th of September Users' Office - D. Chromek-Burckhart Culture of Welcome, Service of Excellence