Department of Arts and Culture Presentation to the Select Committee on Appropriations: 08 May 2013 Community Library Services Grant Mr Sibusiso Xaba Director - General
Outline of Presentation 1.Introduction 2.Background 3.Monitoring and Evaluation 4.Expenditure on the grant by 31 March MTEF Allocations: /13 Performance 7.Challenges 2
1.Introduction 1.1The purpose of this presentation is to report to the Select Committee on : Provincial spending and performance of the community library services grant. 2 3
2.Background 2.1The purpose of the conditional grant is to ensure that urban and rural library services are transformed through a recapitalised programme at provincial level and to mainstream the policy framework for the public library sector 2.2The focus areas for the conditional grant are the following: infrastructure development, ICT (information and computer technology), library resources, staff capacity, visually impaired readers’ needs. 4
2.Background (cont-) 2.3Some of the key strategic priorities of the grant are to address issues of skills development, disparities in service provision, and promotion of the sector. 2.4Despite some successes with regard to the implementation of the grant there are still gaps and challenges. 2.5The inconsistent salary structures across the three spheres of government presents a serious challenges to the stability of the sector. Staff retention and turn over is a serious challenge in the sector. 5
2.Background (cont-) 2.6The policy gaps at local government level creates an unsustainable funding challenge to service delivery. The inability of provinces to fund the total cost of the service remains a challenge for some municipalities. 6
3. Monitoring and Evaluation 3.1In line with the requirements of the Division of Revenue Act (DORA), 2012, the Department undertakes monitoring and evaluation of the programme as follows: Four quarterly meetings are held in a year with all nine provinces to discuss the progress, challenges and the way forward in the implementation of the grant projects. Provinces submit monthly financial and quarterly performance reports to the Department. The Department conducts an evaluation of the performance of the grant every year as required by the Act. Monitoring visits to projects and site meetings are held regularly. 7
4.Expenditure by 31 March SUMMARY Province Division of Revenue Act, 2012 (Act No. 5 of 2012) Government Gazette: Other Gazettes Provincial roll- overs Total available Payment Schedule: Year to date Received by province: Year to date Provincial actual payments % Transferred of national allocation % Actual payments of total available Projected outcome for financial year Projected (over)/under R thousand Eastern Cape %74.9% Free State %91.9% Gauteng %98.5% (700) KwaZulu-Natal % Limpopo %60.1% Mpumalanga %92.1% Northern Cape %85.8% North West %74.3% Western Cape % Total %84.1%
5. MTEF Allocations: DepartmentName of allocationProvince Column A Column B 2013/14 Allocation Forward Estimates 2014/152015/16 R'000 Arts and CultureCommunity library services Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Unallocated TOTAL Allocated amount
/ 2013 Performance 6.1 Fourteen (14) new libraries were completed in 2012/2013 Eastern Cape(1) – Mount Ayliff Gauteng (1) - Oliefantsfontein KwaZulu-Natal (1) – Qhudeni Limpopo (6) – Musina Nancefiled; Molepo, Mulati, Shongoane, Saselemane, Vlakfontein Mpumalanga (1) Masoyi Northern cape (1) Sesheng North West (2) Khuma and Letsopa Western Cape (1) - Vredenburg 2 10
/ 2013 Performance (cont.) 6.2 Thirty-Seven (37) libraries were upgraded in 2011/2012 Eastern Cape completed 10 libraries Free State completed 1 Gauteng completed 2 KwaZulu-Natal completed 2 Limpopo completed 0 Mpumalanga 3 Northern Cape completed 4 North West completed 4 Western Cape completed 11 11
/ 2013 Performance (cont.) 6.3 Visually impaired services were established in 36 community libraries: MP (4), NC (20), EC (12) 6.4 A number of 79 library staff were appointed and up to 900 library employees’ contract were renewed in 2012/13 financial year. 6.5 Library staff received bursaries to study Library related courses in MP (35) and FS (20) 12
/2013 Performance (cont.) new library material including books, educational toys, educational DVDs and CDs were purchased and distributed to community libraries 6.7 The conversion of a new library system took place in some community libraries in five provinces (EC- 23, KZN - 42, MP - 29, NW - 26, and NC – 32) 6.8Provinces are prioritising the issue of ICT infrastructure and making sure that community libraries have Public Internet Access. Internet connectivity in 2012/2013 (KZN-8; FS – 7, LP- 53; MP- 2; NW-89 and WC-96) 13
7.Challenges 7.1The job evaluation process for librarians remains unresolved by DPSA despite numerous follow-ups by DAC. 7.2Employment of staff on contract remains a serious challenge but provinces like Free State and KwaZulu-Natal have started with processes of appointing contract workers into permanent positions. 7.3The salary disparities between the three spheres of government continue to create an unstable environment. 14
7. Challenges (cont.) 7.4Capacity to manage infrastructure projects remains a concern in some of the provinces. 15
Thank you