GMES Marine Service MY OCEAN Cross Cutting Cal/Val Activities & Product Quality Working Group Scientific Assessment of External Products in MyOcean Second annual meeting F. Hernandez, chair PQCV-WG, QuARG
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val activities for the second MyO year n Cal/Val teams in Production Centres (X.5) strongly involved in: –Test and implementation of Cal/Val tools for V1 –Design Calibration and Validation strategies and plans (ScCP, ScVP) –Perform scientific calibration, routine scientific validation, and report (ScCR, ScVR, ScVR-Rea) for reviews Prepare ScCP, ScVP… ….. V1S1 devlpt. PC Acceptance review of ScCP, ScVP, ScCR June 2010End September 2010 VAlid. Read. Rev. Start V1 S1 operation 15/12/2010 Test op. validation V1S1 scientific assessment….. V1S1 pre-operated….. V1S1 in operation Operate routinely PQ validation: reg. reporting 29/4/2011 P. Read. Rev. Review V1 S1 ScVR Calibration ….. V1S2 devlpt. / REAV1S2 & REA scientific assessment PC Acceptance review of ScCP, ScVP, ScCR, ScVR-Rea March 2011June 2011Sept VARR Start V1S2 operation PRR V1S2 ScVR ….. V1S2 in operation Validation
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val activities for the second MyO year n Product Quality addressed at the project level: –Reviews, where ScCR, ScVR are examined –Link with users: feedbacks from User Forum (Stockholm, April 2011) –Designing MyOcean-2 Product Quality activities: focusing on cross-cutting integrated actions and methods, regular monitoring, link between Production Centres and Users
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Organising Product Quality for V1: plans and reporting for reviews PC Acceptance Stream1 V1, Roma, September 2010 VARR Stream1 V1, Brussels, December 2010 PC Acceptance Stream2 V1, Copenhagen, March 2011 User Forum, Stockholm, April 2011 PRR Stream1 V1, Roma, April 2011 VARR Stream2 V1, June 2011 PRR Stream2 V1, September 2011 Prod. Centre© ScCP/ScVPScCRScVR-ReaScVR (PRR) GLOxStream 15 docs 1 doc + 2 docs ARCxStream 11 doc BALxStream 1 NWSxStream 22 docs IBIxStream 2 MEDxStream 11 doc BLSxStream 21 doc SLxStream 11 doc OCxStream 1/21 doc SSTnoStream 1 in 2OSTIA doc1 doc SIWno for WindStream 1 7 docs no Wind INSxNO (in prep?) 1 doc
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Organising Product Quality for V1: plans and reporting for reviews n Overall good level of information in ScCR and ScVR n Permanent improvements of reporting, from stream1 to stream2: –Upgrading and extending Cal/Val methodologies –Analysing benefit of V1 compared to V0 –Analysing added values of regional products –Starting to address « estimated accuracy » values compared to user requirements (if exists) n From V1 to V2, plans to upgrade cal/val strategies and associated documentation with more consistency among TACs and MFCs n Plans to use existing scientific cal/val to provide usefull information for users
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting n Different difficulties, management, history, heritage, and many positive aspects: –SST TAC reporting: not all docs, but validation strategies already described in existing operational activities. ScVR, really complete, and usefull for users (estimated confidence level per products) –INS TAC slightly different from other PC: provide Real Time Quality Control, instead of Cal/Val phasing, and in a continous framework –BAL MFC: a complete reporting, plus a long annex (+550p) –BLS MFC: enormous lack of observations, but alternative use of climatology –ARC MFC: A strong dedication to Sea Ice scientific assessment. –…..
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting: V1 vs V0 From IBI ScCR
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting: V1 vs V0 From NWS ScCR
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting: proposing new approach: OC TAC and MED MFC validating Chl-a From MED ScVR
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting: organize and standardize cal/val (metrics) definitions n ScCP, ScVP provide description of metrics n Next phase: harmonisation
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Flavour of Product Quality assessment, from reporting: organize product quality synthesis From ARC ScVR, ScVR-REA
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Tranverse Cal/Val at MYO level n Organize more homogeneous Cal/Val procedures btw PC/PU: –X.5 experts asked to review ScCR: « share good ideas » –Neighboring dynamics: WP6 / WP7 working already together add WP8 WP8 / WP9 and WP4 / WP9 in contact WP10 / WP9 starting WP4 / WP8 « natural contacts » Existing inside each TACs –Indirect benefit from Lisbon 1st PQCV-WG meeting: lot’s of similarities in ScCR and ScVR metrics Second PQCV-WG meeting yesterday to strengthen transverse Cal/Val
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma PQCV-WG 2 nd meeting outcomes n Improvements of ScCP, ScVP, technical definitions of metrics –Upgrade definitions before V2, start with moorings
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Upgrade definition: adopt common names of moorings…..
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma PQCV-WG 2 nd meeting outcomes n Improvements of ScCP, ScVP, technical definitions of metrics –Upgrade definitions before V2, start with moorings n Product Quality expected accuracy level (static numbers to be associated to products): –Starting from list of V1 products (eg EPST excel sheet) –End of June 2011: every PC provide numbers to PQCV-WG –End of August 2011: After PQCV-WG consistency check, numbers provided to WP17
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Last year: PQCV-WG proposition for link with Service Desk informationV1V2 Static: “precision” level given as meta-data Dynamic “flags” Error bars Extreme values ?YES noYES
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma PQCV-WG 2 nd meeting outcomes n Improvements of ScCP, ScVP, technical definitions of metrics –Upgrade definitions before V2, start with moorings n Product Quality expected accuracy level (static numbers to be associated to products): –Starting from list of V1 products (eg EPST excel sheet) –End of June 2011: every PC provide numbers to PQCV-WG –End of August 2011: After PQCV-WG consistency check, numbers provided to WP17 n QUID: Quality Information Document for users: –Baseline: provide ScCR, ScVR –Instead provide dedicated documents from ScCR, ScVR –Template discussed at PQCV-WG meeting –Late September 2011 (phased with end of Stream2 Validation Period) QUID draft delivered by each PC –Mid-October 2011: after a 2 week PQCV review, QUID provided to PMO, WP17
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma PQCV-WG 2 nd meeting outcomes n Improvements of ScCP, ScVP, technical definitions of metrics –Upgrade definitions before V2, start with moorings n Product Quality expected accuracy level (static numbers to be associated to products): –Starting from list of V1 products (eg EPST excel sheet) –End of June 2011: every PC provide numbers to PQCV-WG –End of August 2011: After PQCV-WG consistency check, numbers provided to WP17 n QUID: Quality Information Document for users: –Baseline: provide ScCR, ScVR –Instead provide dedicated documents from ScCR, ScVR –Template discussed at PQCV-WG meeting –Late September 2011 (phased with end of Stream2 Validation Period) QUID draft delivered by each PC –Mid-October 2011: after a 2 week PQCV review, QUID provided to PMO, WP17 n Transverse Cal/Val activities: internal website: –Start with selected metrics for SL, SST, Sea-Ice, Chl-a, Water masses –First integration aspects (tbd) with WP2 in September 2011
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma
Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / April 2011 / Roma Cal/Val activities in MyOcean, summary n All PC/PU involved n Project rules (document, reviews) adopted, with obvious benefits n Non expected yet, but User request for quality (strongly reminded during the User Forum) can start to fullfiled due to the Cal/Val work achieved n The Cal/Val transverse strategy is accepted, even if additional work is requested n This strategy and difficulties encountered have been a direct input for MYO-2 Cal/Val definition and organisation