conclusions Beate Werner, Ursula Schmedtje, Fernanda Nery EEA Session 5 Eionet NRC Freshwater meeting, June 2015
Content review Second version of the content review document with recommendations and clarifications taken into account: – Better clarification needed on Must, Should, Could in terms of smiley criteria, DD and reporting frequency (WFD alignment) – Clarify links to which directive – Water quantity see written procedure on additional document HZ/PS - scope of list needs further development, - stick to legal requirements watch list only Could
Reporting process Resource issues in some countries regarding WFD. should be handled using best synergies, e.g. on spatial data. However EEA recognises conflict of priorities. Reporting in 2015 will be a first round in new scheme allowing testing and improving. E.g webinars to organise to ongoing discuss process and problems Next reporting round starting summer 2016 should then be operational to provide input to EEA indicators used together with WFD assessment in 2017
Time table data model Comments on the data model via Helpdesk: – Water quality: Add your comments to the Excel file (which is in the background documents). Send it to until 03-07, with any other generic comments. – Spatial data: same procedure as above. Send comments by (which EEA will discuss with ENV/WFD process) – Emissions: Revised version by end June, EXCEL file will be provided, comments by – Quantity: Revised version by 15.07, same process as above, comments by 31.07
Data model Test phase for the reporting: -From 21. sept. – (start of reporting) Test platform will be made available. Can be used as a “training and testing” area.
Data dictionary Data Dictionary and excel template for water quality reporting will be uploaded on the Background documents folder by Tuesday for commenting by countries
Platform for discussion A forum discussion can be provided in the NRC EIONET Freshwater interest group, but EEA has no resources to moderate volunteer from MS to be active there? Otherwise EEA would stay with helpdesk system Forum can be used to provide intermediate comments into a common platform, for other MS to see. However, by expiring of the deadline, the final comments need to be provided to helpdesk link.
Timing for commenting and finalising parameter lists Water quantity: – By end next week EEA upload water quantity – Comments on water quantity: Comments to be given by 31. July Water quality: – clarify open issues on EQR in summary review document and annex part quality; revised document by – Comments to be given by 31. July
Timing for commenting and finalising parameter lists (2) Comments on emissions and HZ: – some more clarifications needed in the documents (e.g. adding details on respective directives) revised documents (specific Annexes) available by – comments until All Comments send to SOE helpdesk, using subject “SOE Water Quality review”, or “SOE water emissions /HZ review” or “SOE water quantity review”.
Thank you