Detector R&D at NIKHEF SAC meeting, 20 April 2007 Jan Timmermans Pixel readout of gas detectors: Gridpix, Timepix, … Medipix, RELAXd 100 m RASNIK alignment.


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Presentation transcript:

Detector R&D at NIKHEF SAC meeting, 20 April 2007 Jan Timmermans Pixel readout of gas detectors: Gridpix, Timepix, … Medipix, RELAXd 100 m RASNIK alignment

Micro Patterned Gaseous Detectors GEM Micromegas High field created by Gas Gain Grids Most popular: GEM & Micromegas Use ‘naked’ CMOS pixel readout chip as anode

Results pixel readout gas detectors Observation of min. ionising cosmic muons: high spatial resolution + individual cluster counting ! δ ray NIKHEF-Saclay-CERN-Twente NIM A540 (2005) 295 (physics/ ) 55x55 μm 2 pixels

TimePix (EUDET: Bonn,Freiburg, Saclay, CERN, NIKHEF) Distribute clock to full 256x256 pixel matrix ( MHz) Enable counting by first hit after ‘shutter’ opens, until ‘shutter’ closes (common stop); also time-over-threshold possible Dynamic range 2 14 x 10 ns = 160 μs (for the time being) no zero-suppress to remain fully compatible with Medipix2 Shaping time ~200 ns Keep same chip-size, pixel-size, readout protocol 1st full reticle submit done July 2006; IT WORKS!

First tracks with TimePix+SiProt+Micromegas: cosmics + α particle V_grid= -400 V; gain ~5000 He/Isobutane 80/20 Acquisition (‘shutter’) time ~ 1sec Time_over_threshold mode  pulseheight

And triggered cosmics (sum of several triggers) Shutter time = 15 μs TimePix chip stayed alive for 40 days with He/isobutane 80/20 And ‘died’ on 26/1/07 after 1.5 day with Ar/isobutane 80/20 Blue = late Red = early

First INGRID tests Post-processing of a 4” wafer successful! –SiProt covered –InGrid –Diced to individual chips Handling critical SU8 photo-resist dike around the pixel matrix Perfect alignment pads/holes Pillars in between pads

2 chips tested in He 20% iC 4 H Fe signals at V grid = -280 V i.e. G ~ 200 Almost full homogeneous response Still short lifetime (sparks even at low gains) Micromegas covered Timepix InGrid covered Medipix Moire effects with Micromegas

TwinGrid Alternative:

Fred Hartjes 10 NIKHEF detector R&D meeting. January 23, 2007 GOSSIP: 1.2 mm thin gas detector + Micromegas uGas: Kr/DME 74/26 uMeasured histogram with fitted convoluted Poisson uCluster density calculated from two independent methods 1. Magnitude pedestal peak / % pedestal events => cluster density 39.1+/-0.8 cm Fitting convoluted Poisson to experimental data Using pdf =1 the best fit occurs at /- 2.6 cm -1 ¥ ¥ Note that this number depends on the pdf value Literature Cluster density Kr/DME 74/26: 40.2 cm -1

GOSSIPO-2 chip: CMOS 130nm technology Multi-project wafer run (design ready Nov. 2006) 16 x 16 pixels Each pixel: preamp, shaper, discriminator MHz clock (active for short interpolating period) Waiting for the run to take place

Medipix and RELAXd 18 April Jan Visschers

Medipix Collaboration - Univ + INFN Cagliari - CEA-LIST Saclay - CERN Genève - Univ d'Auvergne - Univ Erlangen - ESRF Grenoble - Univ Freiburg - Univ Glasgow - IFAE Barcelona - Mitthoegskolan Sundsvall - MRC-LMB Cambridge - Univ + INFN Napoli - NIKHEF Amsterdam - Univ + INFN Pisa - FZU CAS Prague - IEAP CTU Prague - SSL Berkeley Spokespersons: Michael CAMPBELL CERN Jan VISSCHERS NIKHEF

Quad Medipix 1sensor on 4 Medipix chips 6-layer ultra-fine line design Laser-drilled micro-via’s Kapton Buildup technology 0.25 Megapixels

RELAXd: Tile-able Microsystems 1.Edgeless Planar Silicon Sensors 2.Through-CMOS contacting 3.High-bandwidth readout Medipix 2.1 ROIC 1. Canberra 2. IMEC 3. NIKHEF 4. PANalytical (application) Eureka Project

Raw image of 90 Sr source with current Quad carrier.

Medipix ASIC Through-CMOS connections Multi-layered chip carrier board Medipix ASIC Quad sensor Through-silicon interconnect Medipix wafer thinning: 100 um Ball-Grid Array on the back side of the Medipix chip Balls 500 um diameter, 800 um pitch

Frame and Cooling Large area (9x9 cm 2 ) < 100 Watts total power Ceramics Frame Cooling pipes through frame Power through frame

Roadmap Through-via carrier Zdenek Vykydal Multi-Gbps carrier Bas van der Heijden RELAXD module (end 2007) John Hug Current Quad Frame, Power, Cooling (2009)

100m RASNIK alignment Harry van der Graaf

Coded Mask Light SourceLens CCD 8000 systems installed in ATLAS Principle of CCD-RASNIK (as used for muon chamber alignment in L3)

100 m RASNIK for CLIC CLIC Accelerator length:2 x 15 km Number of elements: Number of ‘4 m’ RASNIKs:15.000/ Number of ‘100 m’ RASNIKs: 600 Laser zone lens hole dia. 50 mm RasCam 100 m (vacuum tube!)

Image position on sensor. Response of earthquake in Mid-Atlantic, 5 Richter Scale, on March 1, 2007

Tidal movement: crust deformation due to angular position of Sun and Moon, measured with RasClic, CERN, Geneva (filtered raw data)

The ‘Earth Hum’, measured after the ‘tsunami’ earthquake, Xmas 2004 [Park et al]

(Direct) Fourier coverted raw X-data of RasClic, Feb 2007 New wide-band seismometer? ‘Hum’ modes