Immunisation Activity, Surveillance & Payments Kenny Gibson, Head of Early Years, Immunisations & Military Health (London Region) 26 th Feb & 3 rd March 2015
Open Exeter ~ all routine vaccines given to under 5s ImmForm ~ pertussis for payments and seasonal flu (for surveillance only) CQRS ~ all targeted vaccines, Child Flu Seasonal Flu Measles Catch-Up Rotavirus Men C (Freshers) Hep B (New Born) Shingles Routine(70), Catch Up (78/79) Additional Services ~ any vaccines given outside regime, subject to clinical decision-making Hib, Men and PCV13 booster ~ 1-off extraction (April Feb 2015) until it is Offered on CQRS Imms Activity & Surveillance
CQRS, Open Exeter and ImmForm – practices can upload activity from 5 th to 23 rd of each month / quarter Open Exeter – fully automated via FHS for payment CQRS and ImmForm – 1.view 24 th of each month 2.take extraction, as excel 3.create Imms Payment Schedule. 4.send to FHS by 26 th FHS / PCSS make payment 15 th (PMS) and 20 th (GMS) Imms Payment Process
Pneumococcal – the London solution Audit trail for your records and system-assurance “CQRS doesn’t work” → accept Offer; activate upload software; manually enter activity and ensure declaration “Clinical system can’t give audit report” → contact clinical system helpdesk; neighbouring PM; GP IT Facilitator “I’ve under-claimed by 3” → adjust your next claim by 3 “I’ve over-claimed by 200” → provide us with clinical audit and we can make adjustment “I’ve not claimed” → if 1-off we will accept clinical audit, if a regularly occurrence process claims next month / quarter. Lessons from the Imms inbox -