Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Kearns Sandburg Elementary
Class Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 9:01-9:40 Opening: Pledge, Attendance, Lunch count, Share, Read aloud 9:40-10:40 Writing Library (9:20-9:50) 10:30-10:40 Snack 10:40-11:50Reading 11:50-12:25MusicP.E.LunchArt (11:35-12:25) P.E. 12:25-1:05Lunch MusicLunch 1:10-2:25 Math 2:30-2:45 Recess 2:45-3:35Sci./S.S. Tech (2:50-3:40) Sci./S.S. 3:35-3:43Closing/Clean up
Classroom Management Rules: Respect yourself, your peers, and your teachers. Be responsible for your learning, your actions, and your attitude. Consequences: If a student does not follow classroom and/or school rules, their consequences may include: Sign the “Book” Loss of “Kearns Cash” Loss of Recess Student writes a note home to parent explaining their behavior Phone call to parents Conference with parent Conference with principal Rewards: Kearns Cash Group Phrase/Music Box
Homework Check student planner nightly Math – Given by math teacher Monday through Thursday Reading – 15 min. each day, four days per week with Time for Kids being this reading on Mondays Book Reports – the last week of each month in place of spelling book Spelling Books - weekly spelling assignments begin Wednesday & due the following Wednesday –Spelling Book pages assigned each night (Wed., Thurs., Mon. and Tue.) –If scheduling conflicts occur, assigned pages may be re- arranged –Spelling Books returned on Wed., checked for completion –Spelling tests on Wednesdays
Science & Social Studies Units Communities and Economics Government Maps and Globes Review Simple Machines Solar System Biomes/Habitats Animal Research Immigration and Westward Expansion
Penmanship Legibility is the key! Each letter taught individually at school Less emphasis this year Practice at home!
Grading Report Cards: 4 (Exceeds), 3 (Meets), 2 (Working Towards), 1 (Not Met) Scale address curriculum standards Progress Reports: Reflect student achievement, work completion and effort in classroom assignments Returned Assignments: given a score of points earned out of points possible or or = Checked for understanding and completion
Classroom Volunteering Friday Folders!!!!! Working with students during writing Material prep at home Field Trips if you want to help ** See school volunteer signup sheet
Classroom Website Classroom Website