Introduction Born: Born in Braintree (Now Quincy) Massachusetts Oct. 30 th,1735 Died: July 4 th,1826 Elected: March 4 th,1776 Political Party: Federalist Interesting Fact: He served under George Washington as the first vice president
Family+Education Parents names are John Adams and Susanna He had two younger brothers Wife’s name is Abigail Smith He had 5 kids He went to Dame school and Harvard
Family He was married on October 25, 1764 He had five kids He did not have any pets
Interesting Fact Adams was the first president to live in the white house He was the first vice president His son John Quincy Adams became the sixth president
Work Cited Elston, Heidi. John Adams: 2 nd President of the United States World book Online Student http;// video/photogallary/the-presidents