Who are the people being studied?
Shoshone Shoshone or Shoshoni? Meaning: Unknown; does not correspond to any known Indian word. Most likely a white man’s word based on a mispronunciation. Pronounced : show-SHOW-nee Different bands prefer different spellings, but either spelling acceptable. What did they call themselves? Newe, pronounced nuh-wuh. Meaning: People
When did they live?
Where did they live? Location during the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Where do they live now?
What did they leave behind to tell us something about them? Rock Paintings Burden Basket
What did they leave behind to tell us something about them?
What did they produce or create? Food they gathered:
What did they produce or create? (food-hunted)
Other food they hunted:
What did they produce or create? (clothing)
What did they produce or create? (shelter)
What means of transportation did they use?
What did they do for recreation?
What family patterns did they develop?
How did they educate their young?
How did they govern and control their society?
What customs and beliefs did they hold?
Shoshone-Bannock Dancers
Beliefs Pa waip: Water Ghost Woman
Creation Story triballegacy.org/video.php?query=age&vid= triballegacy.org/video.php?query=age&vid=2 16 Ed Edmo: Tribal Elder and Storyteller
What events, individuals, or ideas are they especially known for, and how did these affect their lives?
The most well-known Shoshone: Sacajawea : Shoshoni for “Boat Launcher” Sakakawea : Hidatsa for “Bird Woman” Pronounced: Sacagawea Captain Clark called her “Janey”.
What problems did they have?
How did they deal with these problems?
References-Websites Ariwite Design. ( ). The Shoshone-Bannock tribes. Retrieved from Edmo-Suppah, L. (Ed.). (2011). Sho-Ban news online. Retrieved from LewisAndClarkTrail.com. (2011). Lewis and Clark among the tribes. Retrieved from The West Film Project. (2001). New perspectives on the West: Sacagawea. Retrieved from Idaho Public Television. (2011). The journey of Sacagawea. Retrieved from Mappery.com. (n.d.) Tribes of the Indian Nation map. Retrieved from Shoshoneindian.com. (2003). The Shoshone Indians: Sacajawea. Retrieved from Mollerup, J. (2010). Chief Washakie Foundation. Retrieved from U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. (2011). Table Rocks: How did the Takelma prepare camas? Retrieved from Native Languages of the Americas. (2011). Shoshone Indian fact sheet: Native American facts for kids: Shoshone tribe. Retrieved from International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers. (2011). This is still the place: Utah’s 1897 Pioneer Jubliee. Retrieved from
References-Websites continued… Rea, T. (2010). Pictures on rock: Wyoming’s pictographs, petro glyphs, and what they say about the people who made them. Retrieved from National Park Service: Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail: Tribal Legacy Project. (n.d.). Shoshone-Bannock Creation legend video. Retrieved from Perry, M. State of Utah. (2011). Utah history to go: Chapter2: The Northwest Shoshone. Retrieved from Photos not contained in the aforementioned citations were retrieved from
References-Online Books, Newspapers, & Publications Keyser, J. D. & Klassen, M. (2001.) Plains Indian rock art. Retrieved from Canfield, A. E. (2010). The “Civilizing Missions” revisited: The impacts of assimilation on Shoshone-Bannock women. Idaho Yesterdays, Vol. 51, No. 1. Retrieved from National Park Service. (1999). Craters of the Moon: Historic context statements. History e-library (Ch. 2). Retrieved from Evans, T. (2011). Upheaval in Indian Country: Hunger on the Fort Hall Reservation let to war. Idaho Mountain Express and Guide: The Valley’s Newspaper. Retrieved from Englash, R. (2001). SimShoBan: Computational ethnography at the Shoshone-Bannock School. Retrieved from