1 CM Pilot Introduction Getting around: –Structure –Navigation –Download instructions
2 CM Pilot Structure The CM Pilot is designed for ‘four-click’ access to the entire methodology, tools and learning modules. The CM Process walks step-by-step through how to use change management on your project. Templates, assessments, presentations are assembled for quick access.
3 CM Pilot Structure The problem solving and roles sections of the tool provide access to material on particular topics and issues you may face in your project. The eLearning section provides short tutorials on key principles, best practices and change management models.
4 CM Pilot Navigation There are two main ways to navigate the CM Pilot: –Navigation menu –Page headers
5 Navigation menu The navigation menu is on the right side of each screen of the tool. Access the main pages for: –CM Process –Templates –Assessments – Presentations –Problem solving –Roles –eLearning
6 Page headers On each page in the CM Pilot, you will see a string of pages underneath the page title. Use this navigation string to jump up levels in the tool, or to return to the main menu.
7 Returning to the main menu You can always return to the main menu using the two links in the upper right hand main. The second link sends you to a help screen, where you can: –Revisit the ‘getting started’ tutorial –Make a suggestion or report an error –Share a case study
8 Download instructions When you open a document template and before entering data, be sure to save the template to your computer. –The online tool provides this blank template or worksheet, but for your security and privacy, does not save any information that you enter into the tool itself. Hit FILE then SAVE AS at the top of your screen. Save the document to a folder of your choice on your computer. You can then open and edit the file using MS Word, MS PowerPoint or MS Excel depending on the file type. –Templates and assessments (.doc) will typically be in MS Word format. Presentations (.ppt) will be in MS PowerPoint format. Spreadsheets (.xls) will be in MS Excel format.