HPLC 2007 Competitive Background
Companies Agilent Cohesive Dionex Eksigent GE Healthcare Hitachi Jasco Perkin Elmer Shimadzu Thermo Fisher Varian Waters
Agilent Headquarters: California USA HPLC 2006 sales: 550M Markets: All, weaker in Pharma than Waters Geographies: All – weaker in service Other Technologies: GC, GC-MS, ICP-MS, UV-Vis Product: 1200 Series – refreshed 1100 Other: Aquired SSI software to replace ageing Chemstation in 2005 – strengthened data position
Cohesive Headquarters: Franklin MA USA HPLC 2006 sales: 15M Markets: Pharma/ Clinical Geographies: Originally US/ UK – now ALL through Thermo Other Technologies: Nil Product: TurboFlow LC –very fast for MS drug discovery Other: Aquired by Thermo Fisher in 2006
Dionex Headquarters: California USA HPLC 2006 sales: 85M Markets: All – strongest in Nano for MS Geographies: All Other Technologies: Data, IC, extraction (ASE) Product: Ultimate and Summit HPLC Other: Strong polymer consumables history
Eksigent Headquarters: California USA HPLC 2006 sales: 15M Markets: Life science and Pharma, nano for MS Geographies: All Other Technologies: Nil Product: Nano 1D and 2D systems Other: Agreements with Applied Biosystems/ MDS SCIEX
GE Healthcare Headquarters: Schenectady NY USA HPLC 2006 sales: 115M Markets: Life Science and Pharma Geographies: All Other Technologies: Process LC, medical equipment, X-Ray, Imaging etc – huge company Product: AKTA systems – purification Other: The old Pharmacia range is the basis of AKTA – aquired through a long string of acquisitions by many companies
Hitachi Headquarters: Tokyo Japan HPLC 2006 sales: 70M Markets: All Geographies: Japan ~80% of sales Other Technologies: AA, MS, AAA, SEM and TEM Product: 2000 series HPLC Other: Makes Applied Biosystems Sequencer
Jasco Headquarters: Tokyo Japan HPLC 2006 sales: 50M Markets: All, industrial and environmental favoured Geographies: Japan and Euro Subs, USA Other Technologies: UV-Vis, NIR, Fluorescence, Raman etc Product: LC-900 series Other: Novel and very compact systems
Perkin Elmer Headquaters: Wellesley MA USA HPLC 2006 sales: 20M Markets: Life Science Geographies: All Other Technologies: AA, Fl, FTIR, GC, GC-MS, ICP, ICP-MS, UV- Vis-NIR Product: HPLC Other: Evolving and complex life science provider
Shimadzu Headquarters: Kyoto Japan HPLC 2006 sales: 235M Markets: All Geographies: Japan ~70% of sales Other Technologies: AA, Fl, FTIR, GC-MS, ICP, UV-Vis-NIR, Product: Class VP HPLC Other: Very extensive, low price range – Fisher Scientific relation is unusual now Thermo is involved
Thermo Fisher Scientific Headquarters: Waltham MA USA HPLC 2006 sales: 70M Markets: All Geographies: All Other Technologies: AA, FTIR, GC, GC-MS, ICP, ICP-MS, UV-Vis- NIR Product: Accela Other: Recent purchase of Flux – low flow/ high pressure pumping systems manufacturer
Varian Headquarters: Palo Alto CA HPLC 2006 sales: 70M Markets: All Geographies: All Other Technologies: AA, Fl, FTIR, FT-MS, GC, GC-MS, ICP, ICP- MS, NMR, SPE, UV-Vis-NIR Product: Varian 920-LC and Varian 940-LC Other: Strong data, prep, skid, consumables, service and allied technologies. Acquired PL in 2005.
Waters Headquarters: Milford MA USA HPLC 2006 sales: 890M Markets: All Geographies: All Other Technologies: TGA, DSC Product: Alliance, Acquity UPLC, Delta prep and others Other: Strong data, consumables, service, Micromass MS line is very strong