KMR/KTH contributions to Prolearn WPs 1/4/5 Ambjörn Naeve Knowledge Management Research group Centre for user-oriented IT Design Royal Institute of Technology WP1/4/5 meeting Fraunhofer Institute 29/4-2004
RDF Semantic MachineHuman Syntactic Presentational WebUMLHTMLXMLGPSMAM Five different web layers Ambient
Conceptual Web Semantic Web Application Developers End- Users SCAM SHAME Edutella Knowledge Manifold Conzilla concept browser EduFolio concept portfolio EduFolio SCAM provider SHAMEditor SHAMEditorEditor SHAME consumer VWE composer Tools Frameworks Architecture Infrastructure
D1D1 ProducerConsumerTraditionalSemantic webDedicatedIntegratedStand-aloneWeb SHAME consumer SCAM producer EduFolio SHAME consumer wrapmediate D2D2 DnDn AMOSAMOS Today’s demo Edutella SEARCH
Swedish UR Digital Media Library IMC Clix? EducaNext Ariadne? Edutella Peer-2-Peer Network WU Wien Continuing Education Centre Swedish Museum Window Swedish Science & Technology Hub SCAM producer AMOS mediator SHAME consumer Workpackage 5
EduFolio Edutella EduFolio Media- library Museum- window Culture- portal Science & Technology hub Uppsala university library User type: School type: Opinions: Teacher High school TEACHERSTUDENT User type: School type: Opinions: Student High school Program-ID: Count with us Course: Mathematics A SEARCH ANNOTATE SEARCH ANNOTATE SEARCH ANNOTATE Program-ID: Count with us Swedish Learning Landscape
User type: School type: Opinions: Teacher High school
Seven different Knowledge Roles in a KM Knowledge Cartographer Knowledge Composer Knowledge Librarian Knowledge Coach Knowledge Preacher Knowledge Plummer Knowledge Mentor constructs context-maps. fills context-maps with content-components. combines content-components into learning modules. cultivates questions. provides live answers. connects questions to relevant preachers. supplies motivation and supports self reflection.
Our semantic knowledge-tools (connecting human- and machine-semantics) SCAM (Standardized Contextualized Access to Metadata) A framework for supporting storage of and access to metadata on the semantic web. SHAME (Standardized Hyper-Adaptable Metadata Editor) A framework for constructing flexible metadata editors that support evolving annotation processes. Edutella A p2p-based infrastructure for search and exchange of metadata about resources on the semantic web.
EduFolio A personal resource and annotation portfolio. Conzilla A concept browser for the exploration of the human- semantic web with machine-semantic back-end functionality. VWE (Virtual Workspace Environment) A composer tool for the construction of customized learning modules. All these frameworks and tools are open source and based on open international ICT-standards. Our semantic knowledge-tools (cont.)
PresentDesiredGeneral Special Specific DomainLearning profileLearning object Learning style Description Competence Matching Composition Courselets Personalized PAeLLA Uppsala Learning Lab CID / KTH L3S Ericsson Meta4
Conzilla’s query interface to Edutella
Searching and streaming in the DML