ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 1 Lecture: Introduction Prof. Wing-Kin Ma Department of Electronic Engineering ENGG 1100 Introduction to Engineering Design I
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 2 Course Information Lectures: Class C: Mon 8:30am-9:15amERB LT Class D: Mon 11:30am-12:15pmLSB LT6 Laboratories: All except for Week 1 (this week) Course website: in eLearn, check Note: 1) important announcements are made in eLearn; check regularly! 2) check your mailserv mailbox regularly. Sometimes we need to find you in the event of missing assignments.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 3 Course Coordinators & Lecturers Course Coordinator: Lecturers : Mentors & Technicians & Teaching assistants: many. Course Inquiry: Please send all your inquiries to Prof. MA Wing Kin KenEE Prof. TSANG Hon KiBME Prof. WONG Kin HongCSE Prof. MENG Mei Ling HelenSEEM Prof. WONG Kin HongCSE Prof. MA Wing Kin KenEE Prof. CHAN Chun Kit CalvinIE Prof. LIU YunhuiMAE Prof. MENG Mei Ling HelenSEEM
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 4 Overview This is a hands-on project-based course. You will work in group of 2 on a hardware project. Each group will propose their design, and implement it. We will teach you basic concepts for the project. You will also have a mentor (a professor) to guide you. We intend to show you and let you experience Basic engineering principles and concepts Experimental skills Design methodology for design & construction of a system We also hope that by the end of the term, you would demonstrate innovations, teamwork, and good communication skills.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 5 History of Design People have been designing things for a long time Examples of great designs from the past Great Pyramids in Egypt Mayan Cities and Temples Great Wall of China Basic design method in the past > Trial and Error
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 6 The Design Process 1976: Apple I 1980: Apple III 1989: Mac Portable 1998: iMac 2000: PowerMac G4 Cube 2003: iMac G4 2004: iMac G5 2004: PowerBook G4
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 7 Cell Phone Evolution 1980s1990s2000s2010s
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 8 The Design Process Scientists see things as they are and ask, WHY? Engineers see things as they could be and ask, WHY NOT? Essence of new design Less expensive Faster Better
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 9 Engineering design addresses hard problems Design problems are ill structured— their solutions cannot normally be found by applying math. formulas, methods, and procedures in a routine way. Design problems are open-ended— they typically have several acceptable solutions.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 10 The Project Your task is to design and build an intelligent car… Mars Rover Curiosity (source:
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 11 The Project Your task is to design and build an intelligent car… … like these, or something smarter than that. To be specific, you are going to design an automatic vehicle with pick-and-place ability. See
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 12 The Project You are going to design an automatic vehicle with pick-and-place ability. Designing an intelligent model car, and implementing a practically working one, takes some amount of effort. You will have to learn engineering basics that lead to sensing, control logics for decision making, and motor driving.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 13 An Overview of your Schedule First 8 weeks: Learn basic engineering skills Attend lectures to learn concepts behind designs and electronics; Attend lab sessions to get hands-on experience with engineering; Help you understand how to draw mechanical drawings, to build sensing, digital logics and motoring driving circuitries; Having your mid term test run to construct your very first design. Note: don’t just receive the contents. Think how they help you design the car! Weeks 10-13: design and build your car Complete your design by the end of the term; You will be assigned a tutor and a mentor (a professor) to guide you. Weeks 14: project demonstration 1 demonstration at reading room
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 14 Course Schedule Week Lecture SectionLab Section 1 IntroductionNo Lab 2 Mechanical DrawingWorkshop 1: Mechanical Drawing I 3 Engineering Design & ManagementLab 1: Mechanical Drawing II 4 Laboratory Safety & Basic Electronics Lab 2: Basic Electronics Lunar New Year Holiday 5 Electronic Instrumentation & Components Lab 3: Electronics Assembly 6 Sensing and ActuatorLab 4: Actuator 7 Tutorial on Mid-term Test RunLab 5: Sensing + Mid-term Test Run 8 Digital Logic I: Logic GatesLab 6: Digital Logic with Arduino 9 Digital Logic II: MCUWorkshop 2: Arduino Programming 10 Project Briefing & MC QuizMentor Meeting 1 (In Lab) 11 Mentor Meeting 2 (In Lab) 12 Mentor Meeting 3 (In Lab) 13 Final Report BriefingMentor Meeting 4 (In Lab) 14 Demo
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 15 Important Dates Week LectureLab Section 1 Introduction 2 Mechanical Drawing 17/1: Project Grouping via e-learning 3 Engineering Design & Management 4 Laboratory Safety & Basic Electronics Lunar New Year Holiday 5 Electronic Instrumentation & Components 6 Sensing and Actuator 7 Tutorial on Mid-term Test Run (No Lecture) 24/2: Lab 5 + Mid-term Test Run 8 Digital Logic I: Logic Gates 9 Digital Logic II: MCU 10 Project Briefing & MC Quiz17/3: MC Quiz (AM: In Lab, PM: In Lecture) Final Report Briefing 14 14/4: Demo 22/4: Final Report
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 16 Assessment Item%Detailed Information Lab Report20% 4% per lab x 5 labs (from lab 2 to lab 6) 1% deduction for late comers (15-min buffer) (individual) 3D Design Homework5% 2 homework items: exercise 2% + project 3% MC Quiz10% 30-min multiple choice quiz covering the contents taught in lectures Mid-term Test Run5% Assemble a very simple version of your car, and make it run Demonstrate your working prototype Project Progress20% Report your project progress to your mentor Assessed by your project mentor and TA Mentor meeting once a week during the implementation phase Attendance is counted; 0 for each absence (individual) 5% per meeting x 4 meetings = 20% Demo30% Demonstrate your project: Standard Task: 15% Challenge Task 1: 10% Challenge Task 2: 5% Assessed by a judge panel Final Report10% Deadline: 5:30pm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 17 Plagiarism CUHK has clear definitions and guidelines on academic honesty; for the details We adopt a policy of zero tolerance on plagiarism, simply stated. Disciplinary actions, usually involving severe penalties, will be taken for detected plagiarism cases. Simply put, don’t copy, don’t buy solution, just honestly do your work, and credit others’ contribution.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 18 Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching & Learning The Faculty has clearly established a set of expectations for the students and faculty members of our Faculty With a view to building up an atmosphere of mutual respect, acknowledgement, and responsibility between our students and faculty members as well as to enhancing teaching and learning in the Faculty. “Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning,” Faculty of Engineering, CUHK, 29 August 2011,
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 19 Laboratory You will probably spend much of your time in lab. The lab. provides you with test instruments, and components for the project. Attendance will be checked. Bring your student ID card. Late with 15 minutes buffer. More than 30 minutes late = absence. Use of lab. other than assigned lab. hours may be allowed subject to discretion of technicians. Log in eLearn for Lab Manuals.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 20 Laboratory Rules Laboratory preparation is vital for you to conduct the lab works. Prior to each lab, please Read the lab manual, Prepare lab sheet according to the lab manual, and Bring the lab sheet to the lab with you. Laboratory safety is very important! Strict observation of the Laboratory Safety Instructions listed in the homepage ( of the University Safety & Environment Office on the handling of Electrical and Electronic instruments and power sources is mandatory. Please don’t eat or drink in the laboratory. Be punctual. Attendance will be checked, and 1 mark will be deducted for those who are late for more than 15 minutes.
ENGG 1100 | Term 2 | 2013/14 21 Action Notes Group Forming Find a peer to form a group with you by 17/1 5:30pm through Elearn You may search for a partner during your workshop 1. Make sure your partner is with the same lab session as yours. Students without group will be randomly assigned to a partner. No Lab for this week Check eLearn for the venue of your lab