Middlesex Medical Image Repository Dr. Yu Qian
MIRAGE ( Middlesex medical Image Repository with a CBIR ArchivinG Environment ) Aim: To develop a repository of medical images benefiting MSc and research students in the immediate term and serve a wider community in the long term in providing a rich supply of medical images for data mining, to complement MU current online e-learning system, OASIS+. Collaboration between three parties at MU, including EIS,CLQE and CIE. JISC Innovation in the use of ICT for education and research.
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) CBIR can index an image using visual contents that an image is carrying, such as colour, texture, shape and location. Query by Example (QBE) Query by Feature (QBF) Query by Sketch(QBS) For example:
Colour-Based Retrieval
Texture-Based Retrieval
Shape-Based Retrieval
Query by Feature
Query by Sketch
The need CBIR for medical images For teaching and learning CBIR for 2D Medical Image ----GIFT Demo: