Online Resources From Oxford University Press
This presentation gives a brief description of The European Society of Cardiology Textbooks It tells you what the ESC textbooks are how to search for information in them how they can help you The presentation will take about 5 minutes Oxford Medicine Online is the home of Oxford’s prestigious medical publishing, bringing together hundreds of titles into a single cross-searchable resource. Titles can be browsed using the Specialty, Career Stage and Series bars.. All the European Society of Cardiology Textbooks can be viewed through the series link. Download the series title list using this link. Titles are published in conjunction with the European Society of Cardiology, and reflect ESC guidelines, and current clinical practice. To search for information across the Oxford Medicine Online portal type your term into the search box. Congenital heart disease Filter results using the left hand panel to return titles relevant to your specialty, career stage, series or to see only the titles you have full text access to. Use the search box on the left hand side to search within selected material. Shunt lesion
Once within a title, move from one chapter to another using the panel on the left.. Notice that images can be expanded and downloaded directly to PowerPoint.
Use the advanced search to return more focused results using DOIs, tables, illustrations, videos etc. Colour Doppler Echo
Use the icons on the right to: request permissions, print, save, cite, , share, as well as download chapters to pdf. Sign in to create your own profile, to save the content, searches and to annotate parts of the text. Prepare for exams and continue your medical education with Oxford e-Learning, a service providing questions and answers, as well as tools to track your progress and target revision. Use the Oxford Index, a free discovery service, to search across Oxford’s digital academic content and to find more related information.
If you would like to find out more, you can browse the contents of each textbook o The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine o The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiac Care The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiac Care o The EAE Textbook of Echocardiography The EAE Textbook of Echocardiography look for a live online demo look for a live online demo us at
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