Introduction to Medical Toxicology Departments of: Emergency Medicine Pediatrics Preventive medicine
Food for thought: Today’s “Menu” What is a poison control center? History of PCCs –History of NJPIES –National movement Data/Surveillance Case Presentations
THE EVOLUTION OF US POISON CENTERS n ’s home poisoning fatalities/yr n 33% = < 4 yr of age n 1953 First Poison Center n 1958 AAPCC n 1970 Poison Prevention Packaging Act 1978 ~ 800 Poison Centers 1983 Toxic Exposure Surveillance System 2002 Nat’l Toll Free No n Centers 24/7 Service
61 US Poison Centers (PCs) All 50 States, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, 3 Pacific Jurisdictions
Food for thought: Today’s “Menu” What is a poison control center? History of PCCs –History of NJPIES –National movement Data/Surveillance Case Presentations
Ambulatory Care Center140 Bergen Street Suite G1600