(MVDDS) Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service Auction #53
Disclaimer These slides are provided by Bureau staff for informational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended to supersede any provision of the Commission's rules or public notices. These slides should not be used as a substitute for a prospective applicant's review of the Commission's relevant orders, rules, and public notices. Prospective applicants must familiarize themselves thoroughly and remain current with the Commission's rules relating to MVDDS, rules relating to application and auction procedures, and the procedures, terms and conditions contained in the Auction No. 53 public notices.
Incumbent Licensees Co-primary licensees Geographic areas to be licensed (DMAs) Interference Criteria Due Diligence
Incumbent Licensees Terrestrial private operational fixed point-to-point (Part 101) stations in the 12.2 – 12.7 GHz frequency band licensed prior to MVDDS. - Microwave Public Safety Pool (MW) - Direct Satellite Broadcast Service licensees - Their Affiliates
Co-Primary Licensees MVDDS users will share the 12.2 – 12.7 GHz band on a co-primary basis. - Non-geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO) - Fixed –satellite services (FSS)
Licenses to be Auctioned Designated Market Areas (DMAs) - developed by Nielsen Media Research - most consist of contiguous geographic areas - some composed of multiple noncontiguous areas - Commission will not provide populations, counties, or maps to auction bidders or the public FCC defined DMA –like service areas - areas not covered by Nielsen in the United States - Guam - Northern Mariana Islands - Puerto Rico - U. S. Virgin Islands
Description of DMAs (DMA) registered trademark of Nielsen Media Research Definitions of DMA001-DMA210 may be found at ( Four FCC defined DMA like areas DMA211 Alaska – Balance of State DMA212 Puerto Rico – US Virgin Islands DMA213 Guam – Northern Mariana Islands DMA214 American Samoa
Interference Criteria 47 C.F.R. § - Interference protection criteria 47 C.F.R. § - Coordination of adjacent area MVDDS stations and incumbent public safety (MW) stations 47 C.F.R. § - MVDS protection of DBS
Locating MW Incumbents Locating MW Incumbents Using the Universal Licensing System (ULS) Using the Universal Licensing System (ULS)
Protection of Incumbent DBS licensees
The End